Stranger danger? | 7

19 3 3

((Lil' Yoonmin chapter, hope you don't mind ;) ))

Yoongi and I got home safely and went to bed, I offered him to sleep in my bed but he declined.

Now I'm lying sideways on my bed scrolling through social media, I just can't get myself to sleep. There are way too many things going through my head, like for example, why did I help him? Why did I offer him to live with me? Why do I have the feeling that I should deal with him carefully??

I just don't get it if it was a nice thing to do or if I'm just putting myself in danger.
Doubting everything that just happened like an hour ago, tears me apart.
Suddenly, I'm feeling dizzy and my room starts spinning, faster and faster.

//no, please, not again//

Closing my eyes didn't help either.
I started hearing voices, "you shouldn't have helped him! He's a complete stranger, throw him out!" Those sentences repeated all over again,even starting to overlap.

I grabbed my ears, shaking my head trying to get those thoughts out of my brain.
Tears filled my eyes and flowed over my cheeks. It was getting hotter and hotter, I tried to kick of my blanket, rolling around in my bed from side to side. Still not getting these thoughts out.

My throat got cut off and I couldn't properly breath anymore. Panicked because of it I tried to take deep breaths, but they wouldn't go deep down my lungs. They were heavy like, short breaths.

"Jimin?", I heard a knocking on my door.

"Is everything okay in there?", he continued.

He went silent for a couple of seconds and asks again, "I'm coming in, okay?"

I wasn't able to reply, since I couldn't breath.
He burst open the door and there I was, heavily crying, not able to breath and terrified.
He just looked at me, innerly freaking out.

He managed to sit me up straight by pulling me up at my shoulders.
While wiping off my tears with his thumb, he asked me again, if I was okay. As for me, I just stared into nothing, while my tears just wouldn't stop.

The voices finally disappeared and I could breath normally again.
I blinked a few times and then realized that he just saved me.
I looked up to him, he had this look in his face saying that he clearly didn't understand what just happened to me.

But me, also being dumbfounded, asked him what just happened.

"You're asking ME what just happened? I should rather ask YOU what happened!", he pointed out.

"I- I couldn't bre-breath. My room started to, to spin faster and faster.. and then there were those voices, saying I shouldn't have, uhm, I shouldn't have-", I stopped, I just couldn't tell him that I wasn't supposed to help him, right?

"You shouldn't have what?", he carefully asked while stroking my shoulder.

"Uhm, er, never mind, it wasn't that big of a deal anyway.", I tried to avoid the question.

"See, I understand that it is probably something private, but seeing you there, almost dying because of a sort of panic attack, just gives me anxiety.", he explained.

I nodded.

"Could, could we please talk about that tomorrow? I have to get myself together first..", I played with my fingers.

"Of course.", he stood up and walked towards the door.

I bit in my lip, and grabbed his shirt.
"yoongi?", he turned around.

"What is it?", he asked.

"Would you, uhm, mind staying here? Like in my room? I'm scared that it could happen again."

He nodded and lied down beside me.
I put a pillow between us, which worked as a "wall".

"Night..", I closed my eyes.

//why did I say that? It's so awkward..//

I managed to get some sleep before my alarm rang.

Yoongi was still sleeping, usually I would just stand up and let him asleep.
But there's the thing:
He's sleeping on the outer side of the bed, while I was sleeping against the wall.

I climbed over him, my arms pressing agains the bed, next to both sides of his head. While my face was directly above his.

//don't wake up, don't wake up//

His legs were in between my legs, it was a weird position to be in..
I first went with my left foot down, it already touching the ground, while trying to avoid any contact with him.
As I was trying to get my other foot down Yoongi started moving a little bit.

//omg please don't//

His eyes started to open.

"Jimin?", he said in a raspy voice.

My face got red.

"Wait. What are you doing??", Yoongi finally realized what was happening.

"Uhm, I tried to-", my arm slipped off the bed and I fell down, but not only me, I somehow managed to thrill Yoongi with me.

Now it was the other way around, Yoongi was above me, his arms resting on each side next to my head. But one of his legs, to be more specific his knee was right in between my spreader legs. His other leg was to the left of my left leg.

Silence, no one knew what to say.
I felt that heat in me, but I enjoyed it. I liked that feeling, but what was that feeling?

I stared directly in Yoongi's eyes, heavily breathing. My arms tightly pressed against my chest. He licked over his lips, slightly leaning in.

"Good Morning.", he whispered smiling.

"M-morning.", I stuttered.

Yoongi got up and helped me getting up too.

"I, Uhm, gotta get ready, college's starting soon.", I explained and went to the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror and saw how red my face was, my cheeks were almost burning.

Yoongi POV

//this boy's gonna drive me crazy//

I looked down to my problem.


What kind of problem does Yoongi have? 👀
Well, we'll find out soon, I guess.
And idk how often I'll update now. But I try my best to keep going!
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this short chapter and have a good day/night!

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