Thoughts | 12

13 3 1

Taehyung POV

"I'm sorry for earlier Tae."

"I'm also sorry, Kookie.", I mouthed after the door was already closed.

I slid down my door and plumped on the floor.

"I'm sorry Kookie. I just need some time for myself to get myself back together. Life's so complicated.", I said to Kookie, but instead I said it to myself, I kept it for me and me only.

"Don't be sad, I'm sure everything will be okay after some time. That's what we both need now, time.", I still imagined talking to Kookie.

Out of nowhere tears filled my eyes, but I didn't stop them. I let them flow down my cheeks. It felt relieving. Yet it also hurt so much, not the tears, simply the fact that I would have to distance myself from Kookie for god knows who how long.

There's still Jimin, however he's been spending more time with that Yoongi guy.
Even Shin-ae's not here anymore to keep me company though it may seem strange but I actually am worried about her, I haven't seen her in a while. So I'm all alone now, aren't I?

I already miss you Kookie.

*knock knock*


I quickly opened the door, "Kookie?!".


"Hey Taehyung..?", it was Namjoon.

Of course it wasn't Kookie.

"Are you okay? Your eyes are so red.", he worriedly asked.

"Yes, I'm fine..", I wiped off the remaining bits of my tears.

Namjoon hummed, "you sure?", he asked further.


I broke into tears again.

"No, I'm not! I- I just don't know what's even happening.", I whined.

"Can we talk inside?"

I just nodded and stepped back inside my apartment and sat down on the couch in my living room.

"Tell me, what's happening? Is it that girl? Uhm, Shin-Ae?", he patted my shoulder to comfort me.

"Yes, I mean no or maybe I don't know.", I got confused, scared. Scared to lose her or was it him?

He left out a deep sigh.

"Then was it that boy that was here earlier?"

"I don't know? But I think so.", it's because of Kookie, I don't want to lose our friendship.
Why can't I just tell Namjoon the truth?

"Why don't you tell me what's happening? I think it's easier that way.", he suggested.

I remained silent.

"It's okay, take your time, but if you don't wanna talk about it anymore it's also fine, I understand that it's your business after all.", he broke the silence.

"Thank you Namjoon.", I finally got out.

"For what? I really didn't do anything.", he chuckled.

"Just for being here.", after all that time crying over Kookie, Jimin or Shin-Ae, I forgot that I still had Namjoon he was always there for me.

Namjoon snickered and tightly wrapped his arms around me which I replied.

"That's what I wanted, that smile again. Please, I don't like seeing people crying especially not you Taehyung.", he showed me his dimples.

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