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"Auntie!" You cried out into the massive crowd that pushed and shoved at you as he sound of blasters shooting and terrifying cries and screams filled the air. You'd been separated from your master, but had found your Auntie Cere and her padawan Trilla, when you'd somehow managed to become lost from them too in the consuming chaos arising because of the enactment of Order 66 hours prior. You were only 13, yet you had to deal with the scarring images of a blood torn city you once called home.
You began running aimlessly, anywhere where the crowd wasn't you tried to go to, but every time you survived to make it to an empty area, people came rushing in. "Auntie! Master!" You screamed again, louder this time, sticky and hot tears streaming down your face.
You thought it was God when you heard somebody off in the distance cry out in response,
You dashed off to the sound, hope soaring with every step you took. Before you knew it, you were in front of your 'Auntie', Cere Junda. She wasn't blood-related to you, but when your parents had disappeared, she stepped in as your Aunt when you were six.
"Auntie!" You sobbed relief washing over you like a flood as you realized you weren't entirely alone. Here began patting your back but set you shoulders so you could look at her, a serious manner taking over her usually joyful features.
"Y/N, you need to find a ship, any ship, that is flying to the planet Zeffo, right away. You have no time to lose Hun, " Cere began, the sweet nickname slipping in to try and comfort you. You nodded, urging her to continue. "on that planet, once you land in the eye of the storm, take off to the northeast. There's a mountain covered in a mass of trees, but listen carefully, there is one tree that stands above all and has a white triangle on the trunk. Go to that mountain and at the top, you will find a tiny home for you and me and a small farm. Everything you need should be there. I can't go now, but I will meet you there when I can Y/N. Do not hesitate to strike down anyone who threatens to turn you in if need be. Please be careful Y/N. Change your clothes too so you're not as noticeable. Blend in. I love you but I must go, I've already wasted enough time dear." And before you could even utter a word she was gone like a puff of smoke. Fear crept into your core but you tried to push it away, you had a mission. You ran into the nearest house and prayed it was empty. Thankfully it was and you took the smallest clothes that would fit the young you and changed as fast as you possibly could, once finished you hunted for something sharp. Once you found a shard of glass, with a heavy heart you cut off your tiny braid, one of the things that signified that you were a padawan. You wiped the tears away, telling yourself to be strong. You fixed yourself up to look the least noticeable and once outside you rubbed some mud on your face to help with the facade.

After what felt like a millennium, you made it to a docking area of sorts for ships, listening and overhearing small bits of conversation.
"Yeah, Captain said Zeffo's the next stop, we're leaving in thirty minutes or so, this place is chaotic." That was all you needed to hear before you snuck onto the cargo ship and stowed yourself away into the deep bowels of the ship.

It had felt like days, weeks maybe, when you felt the ship come to a final stop and the sound of a crew above walking around and the hatch of the ship opening. Without a second look as to who opened the door, you sprinted out and ignored the shouts of aliens and people who spoke your language alike that chased after you but soon dwindled into silence. Soon enough after some roaming, you had found the mountain that Cere had talked about, and you didn't have a second to waste.

Weak and weary, you had come across the tree trunk with a white triangle carved into the wood, and you had finally made it, to lay your eyes upon a tiny house. It was covered in foliage, and off to the side a tiny patch of grass for what seemed to be meditation and another small patch that appeared to be a pitiful garden. You took it with deep gratitude and jogged inside, where the sentiment of protection washed over you.
In front of the door a makeshift table and two chairs were set up, and to the left was an insignificant kitchen, in front of that was a bookshelf filled with books, and finally to the right of the dining room, if you could call it that, was a bed with animal furs to be the cushioning and a thick yet holey blanket on top. You knew you weren't entirely safe, but exhaustion had taken its toll and you didn't have the time to think of horrifying thoughts.

Hi! I hope you are enjoying this book even though it's only the first chapter, and please give me feedback!
This is a Cal Kestis x Reader book because I think there is lack of actual books like this and I was sad that there wasn't any because Fallen Order is such a good game and Cal is definitely a hottie. lol sorry I had to, but I hope you like it, and I will try and update every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.

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