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You hopped on top of the first stone, your mind elsewhere as you looked down below you, seeing it was a far drop you dismissed it, losing interest quickly and jumping over to the next rock where Boogie was waiting. He let out a squeaky noise as if to say 'Finally!', making you giggle as he jumped onto the next rock, then over onto the cave with a little waterfall off to the side. You did the same, but if you'd been paying attention, you would've heard a soft beep coming from a droid behind you off in the distance.
    You peered into the cave, noticing it was pitch black. Excitement coursed through your veins as you realized there was exploring to be done, something you hadn't done in years. You ignited your lightsaber and illuminated it as you wandered inside, it seemed to be a rundown place of sorts, you didn't know how to quite explain it. You heard somebody grunt behind you, causing you to turned around quickly, apprehension whisking throughout your body, making sure to squash the excitement you once felt. Behind you on the second rock was Cal, regaining his balance from almost missing the rock it seemed. On his shoulder perched a cute droid, if you could call a droid cute, that cocked its head at you, making a few noises in Binary. You didn't know a whole lot of Binary, but you remembered your Master had urged you to study at least some of it, but you definitely weren't fluent. You could really only make out, "He can be clumsy... Hello!" he had said a bit more, but you couldn't make it out.
   But what he had beeped had caused Cal to huff an annoyed breath, and mutter, "Am not..." when he said that though he probably realized the droid was talking to you which caused his head to snap up and look at you sheepishly as he rubbed his neck. Despite how he nearly scared the crap out of you, a giggle escaped your lips, making Cal crack a small smile that almost made you weak in the knees, almost. You turned around, making sure Cal couldn't see you blush. You walked further into the cave, coming across a gap between two rocks, so you jumped across, seeing a cloth of sorts on the ground to your left. You scanned over it, but saw no significance and turned to the right where you saw a pipe. You carefully stepped across the pipe, knowing that it was rather old, but you made it over in one piece. At the entrance you could see Cal coming in, confusion was written on his face as the droid beeped here and there. Then the droid started his own flashlight, earning a 'thanks' from Cal. Despite the situation, you smiled, glad to see that another Jedi had survived the purge, even if he was the only other.
   You kept climbing, and soon you came across a crate, but you didn't see any interest in it so you just peered over the edge, wondering what was down there... Soon enough, Cal came up and saw the crate, the droid taking interest in it immediately. You didn't pay attention to what they did next, opting to sit down and swing your legs over the edge and peer into the abyss below. There was a delicate blue mist far down, practically casting you into a trance. It looked so pretty and peaceful, you nearly wished that you could be a part of the mist as well, carefree and elegant. You hadn't even noticed Cal had sat down beside you until he tapped your shoulder, causing you to snap out of your stupor.
"Hey, " Cal said softly to you, a kind smile upon his handsome face. His voice made your heart stutter but you brushed it off, wanting to focus on anything but how perfect he seemed. "Are you ok?" He asked, genuine concern displayed on his face.
You offered a weak smile, "Yeah, sorry you had to see me argue, I'm usually never like that... I just, I had been alone for so long, and to be forced- nevermind it's nothing." You awkwardly laughed, waving it off as if to dismiss your emotions with a simple wave. You sighed and look down into the chasm below, beginning to slowly slip into a daze once more but Cal lightly put his hand on your shoulder, garnering your attention once more.
"It's never nothing Y/N, I'm here for you, even though we just met because I know what it's like to be alone, especially as a Jedi, and to finally meet someone who's like me and has lost almost everything. I'm not going to lose that," Cal said softly, offering an adorable smile as he cocked his head. You looked him in the eye, noticing hope, yet an undertone of sorrow, but gave him the same smile.
"Thank you, Cal..." You muttered softly, hoping that he completely knew how much you were grateful for him at that moment. "It's just, I know it sounds silly, but during the collapse, Cere, she told me that we would live here on Zeffo. I waited six years for that, all alone, nobody to call a friend, well until I met my pet Boogie, " You whispered, your nose beginning to sting and your vision becoming blurry as you started to sniff. Cal seemed unsure whether or not to hug you, so he just decided on scooting slightly closer and squeezing his hand on your shoulder as if to offer silent reassurance. You seemed hesitant to continue, so Cal spoke up.
"Boogie is a cool name." He said, causing you to let out a slightly watery laugh.
"Yeah, my sixteen-year-old self thought up the name." You breathed out, another barely watery laugh slipping out as you wiped your eyes. As if on cue, Boogie jumped onto your lap and started making a bunch of high-pitched noises.
   "Hi Boogie!" Cal said, making you smile. Cal took his hand off your shoulder to pet Boogie, and you wouldn't confess it, but you definitely missed the warmth.
   Boogie seemed to quickly take a liking to Cal as he sat there and allowed him to pet him, and what surprised you the most was that Boogie tolerated Cal picking him up. "Lets trade pets for a second, " Cal said, making you laugh. The droid plopped down onto your lap, letting out a few beeps here and there as you patted his head gently. "His name's BD-1, but I sometimes call him BD for short, " he said fondly, looking over to BD-1 in your lap before turning back to Boogie. You smiled as BD-1 hopped onto your shoulder,
   "I like your droid." You said tenderly, making BD-1 beep in what you guessed was a happy tone, you giggled at that, wondering if you even say a droid had a tone.
   "Pretty sure he likes you too." Cal responded, looking at you and then up at BD-1.
  "That's good to hear, " You laughed, you hadn't laughed like this in a while, and it felt good. "Pretty sure Boogie is in love with you but whatever..." You mumbled in mock jealousy, throwing a hand up across your forehead as if to be deeply perturbed by such a thing, and it induced a loud and contagious laugh from Cal,  and you determined right then and there that you wanted to hear that sound every day, and the hole in your heart had virtually disappeared, but you brushed it off, shoving it to the far corners of your mind and enjoying Cal's presence and his perfect everything.

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