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You trudged back into the ship, exhaustion pulling you down like a hundred-pound weight. Once you made it to the bathroom, you weakly shuffled into it and turned on the water of the shower. You seized the opportunity and took a long shower, trying to scrub away all the insecurities you felt and the messes of your past. When you got out, you changed into the clothes you had bought and dried your hair. You stooped onto the toilet seat lid, starting at the metallic floor in silence as you did so. For a while you sat there, mind vacant and emotions evidently nonexistent. You snapped out of your trance when there was a knock on the bathroom door.
"Y/N?" Greez questioned, making you stand up. At that, you stood up from the toilet seat lid, making your way to the door in the pause.
"Sorry, " you said quietly as you stepped out of the bathroom with a solemn nod of your head. Greez nodded back and hurried into the bathroom.
   You stood in the hallway for about a few extra seconds, soon turning to go to your bedroom.
  You dragged yourself into the room and sat down on the mattress, watching Boogie scamper out of the room to explore the ship. You sighed deeply in the recess, feeling like an empty slate, with no thought or emotions. It felt like a void slowly opened up inside you in the hush, and with each passing minute, it began to suck away at your emotions and humanity. You curled into yourself in the corner of the bed where the two walls met, tucking your knees into your chest and resting your forehead on your knees.
You were just about to doze off and slip into a fatigue-induced slumber when you heard Cere talking loudly out in the living area.
"Greez, we can't have her in that room forever!" She shouted exasperatedly, obviously hoping you heard. You let it roll off your shoulders though, the constant frustration Cere had with you made you caused you to overtime to become slightly desensitized to it.
"Cere, she needs time, you are the closest to her you should know that... And it didn't really help that you dragged her through the mud...." Greez suggested, his tone indicating that he was trying to calm the other down.
You groaned at yourself and smacked your face lightly. Get over it. You repeated to yourself, you knew you were a strong woman. You weren't going to let her get the best of you, you were going to take it with a smile. Grin and bear it, You told yourself as you got up from the cot, running a brush through your hair to try and calm the subtle poofy-ness of it from being a little damp. Once you fixed your hair to your liking, you walked out of the room and plodded to the kitchen, a minor hunger settling into the pit of your stomach as you looked upon the food. When you made it into the kitchen area, you saw that Greez had walked away and moved to sit up at the cockpit while Cere was at the holo-table. Her knuckles visibly white as she clenched the sides of it. She glowered over at you as you took an apple from the small table. You glanced and saw that she scowled at you and averted her eyes, opting to look at the holographic planets that glitched in and out of sight. You sighed and shrugged your shoulders negligibly, knowing she was in a mood and there was nothing you could do about it.
"Cal's still out there looking for you. And it doesn't help that he isn't answering his Com's, and I know damn well that they're working fine; but maybe if you hadn't run off, " she spat out, while still looking away, "we wouldn't have this problem, but here we are. As soon as I worked out that you ran away to do God knows what, I told Cal and Greez about it, and he became distraught as hell and took off in search of you. So if he's pissed off at you don't come to me crying because your boyfriend is mad at you." Cere ranted on, fury dripping from her voice like venom. She looked at you, noticeable anger burning in her eyes like a fire. But it didn't affect you, how she menacingly put an emphasis on, 'boyfriend', the only thing that affecting you and caused your cheeks to flush slightly was the mere thought of Cal being worried over you. It made your heart do a silly flutter thing, something that you didn't quite mind.
  Cere stomped her foot as she realized she wasn't being listened to. In anger she shouted an obscenity or two at you and turned back to the holo-table, apparently done with her lecture.
   You chuckled secretly to yourself, the feeling of angering Cere made you feel pleased in a way.
  You walked over to the hatch, making sure to throw out, "I'm only sitting outside, " before leaving. You walked down the ramp and noticed that off to the right were a few large crates where you could sit.
   You sat down tiredly, a sigh escaping your lips as you did so. You placed the half-eaten apple off to the side and stared up at the overcast sky, noticing that the rain had subsided to a reasonably faint drizzle.
   To your left, you saw Boogie crawl out of the open hatch and stand up, appearing to look for something. Once his adorably big eyes laid upon you his tiny face lit up and he scampered over to you, making you giggle tenderly. Boogie curled himself up and around your neck, making sure to stuff his wet nose into the crook of your neck. You shrieked out a laugh as it tickled, prompting Boogie to think of it as 'it's time to play!' You laughed as he scurried into your lap, swiping at your hands to try and nibble at them. He let out a cute growl as he got ahold of your pinkie, playfully biting it as he did so. You played with Boogie for a little bit, beautiful laughs escaping your lips as you did so.
   You were so caught up in playing with Boogie that you didn't realize the figure come into view in the distance.
   "Y/N!!" Cal cried out in relief as he laid his eyes on you, it made you jump, causing Boogie to climb up onto your shoulder once more.
   You stood up, a sudden wave of anxiety overtaking you as Cal rushed over to you. From the waist up he had streaks of mud and his poncho was lightly wet, probably having dried from the torrential downpour that had stopped not too long ago, and his hair was soaked. You admitted it silently to yourself that damn, he looked good with his ginger hair slicked back.
  You didn't have a moment to pay attention to the thought though because Cal didn't waste a second to whisk you up and into his arms. He squeezed you tightly, pressing his face into the crook of your neck.
   "Why'd you run off?" Cal asked quietly, voice muffled and sounding like a lost little boy. At the brokenness from Cal's voice, your nose prickled with the stinging sensation of a cry coming on, your eyes watering slightly as you squeezed him just as tightly.
   "I didn't mean to, " You muttered into his ear softly, a watery undertone to your words. Cal tightened his hold on you and pressed his face further into your neck. You wrapped your arms around his neck and did the same.
    "Please don't do it again, I can't lose another friend, another Jedi at that..." Cal's voice broke as he murmured the words into your skin.
    "I'm so sorry Cal, " You said quietly, a sniffle leaving you. Cal hugged you tighter, if possible, and began to press light kisses into the slightly exposed skin of your neck.
   "It's ok, just please, " Cal said weakly, for the first time not sounded strong and confident. "don't do it again."

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