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Your heart stuttered significantly when he touched your hand, and it damn near exploded when he leaned his head towards both of your hands.
   You tried to protest as best you could, but you couldn't resist the crimson blush that surged across your cheeks.
"Thanks, Y/N, but you don't have to worry about me... I'm alright." Cal murmured in a tone resembling that of forlornness, but before you could dwell on it, he turned his head slightly so you could view the barely reassuring smile. Your heart nearly melted at the sight but you stood strong, you still weren't entirely convinced that Cal was alright, and he had let you vent out all your problems so you felt like you needed to do this. Without a moment to second guess what the hell you were doing, you flipped your hand over and kindly squeezed Cal's hand, gently stroking the back of his hands with your thumb.
"Cal, please, I want to get to know you more and your really my only friend right now, so please, tell me..." You trailed off, positioning yourself so you could offer him a subtle pout as if to persuade him.
   Cal's eyes gazed at your face, seemingly elsewhere. You squeezed his hand, concern beginning to creep in on the edges of your mind. Cal seemed to snap out of his reverie and gaze into your eyes warmly.
"I trust you Y/N, don't worry, your eyes are too telling..." He whispered tenderly, letting out a minor chuckle at his words. "But... I don't want you to have to worry about me because of some stupid night terror." Cal muttered quietly, slowly letting go of your hand, you didn't let him though because you caught his hand just as he tried to slip it away. You playfully smacked his forehead, a giggle escaping your lips as you did so.
"Don't you ever say that Cal or I swear I will sma-" You began but were interrupted by Cal's over-dramatization of the slap.
"How dare you!" Cal shouted, making you fall into a fit of giggles as Cal whipped the back of his hand up to his forehead where you had 'slapped' him. "You have struck me! Oh god, I think I'm dying!" Cal continued, mock frustration evident in his voice. Your giggles were reverberating throughout the cockpit but you didn't care, you hadn't laughed like this in forever. Your heart felt warm and fuzzy and you didn't have a care in the world; and if you'd really been paying attention, you would've seen the way Cal's smile grew brighter with every giggle that escaped your beautiful lips, and how his eyes glimmered with nothing but tenderness and affection for you.
"I think I'm going blind!" Cal began again, "I shall remember this! You shall rue the day you crossed me!" Cal ended with fake imperiousness, pretending to melt into the orange-ish chair seat. You laughed so hard you snorted, which only earned an even harder laugh out of the both of you.
    "What the hell are you two doing?!?" Greez barked out roughly from the kitchen area, causing you both to snort in your laughter and try to keep the giggles from escaping. Greez stomped into the entrance of the compartment and if he could have had steam billowing from his odd-looking ears he would've. " It's almost three in the morning!" Greez shouted at the two, obvious irritation in his voice. You tried to pull a straight face but it wasn't working and it came out as more of a silly face. From the corner of your eye, you saw Cal look over at you, and before you could meet his eyes he busted into a fit of laughter,  and the contagiousness of his simply genuine and pure laughter caused you to burst into your own fit of giggles. Neither of you could stop it, but you didn't want it to end, the entire moment was too perfect to end. Soon enough though, Greez had had enough and walked away, murmuring under his breath about how much he didn't like them or something like that.

   After all of your laughter had died down, Cal looked at you, a look of solely unashamed affectionate gleamed in his eyes as he looked at you. Without missing a beat, you returned it back with the exact same intensity and emotion as he did. The moment stole your breath away, and your heart definitely softened when he looked down and played with his hands, a goofy grin on his face as he did so. A goofy smile made its way onto your face as well as you gazed at the boy, fleeting thoughts of perhaps kissing him or at the least hugging him crossed your mind, but you pushed them away, knowing that they would only bring dreadful realities to the surface.
   You were lost in your thoughts when Cal stood up, taking you by the hand in the most thoughtful way possible. He pulled you up gently and gave you a hug, catching you off guard. You had to stop the groan that tried to crawl it's way up to your throat, everything about him was perfect and you just couldn't take it, from his head down to his toes to the very small tuft of hair that sometimes had a habit of falling in front of his face when he talked, Cal seemed like a vision. An oasis in the arid and barren wasteland one would call a desert.
     "I know how weird this sounds, but thanks for having a nightmare, " Cal said softly, hugging you tighter if possible. A small smile appeared on your face as you hugged him back.
    "No problem Cal, I'm glad you had a nightmare too." You murmured next to his ear and as you did so, you could see the goosebumps form on his skin; with that realization, a mischievous smirk wriggled its way onto your features.
   "I'm gonna go to bed..." You whispered, purposefully blowing a puff of air onto his ear.
    "O-ok..." Cal stammered out, inducing a light giggle only he could hear escape your lips.

    You ambled your way back to your room,  continuous thoughts of Cal trotting through your mind. Your heart hummed in your chest as you memorized the adorable stammer from Cal's oh-so-perfect lips, and as you laid back down to rest, you had the gut feeling that you wouldn't have another bloodcurdling nightmare because of Cal.

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