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A petrifying crimson glow blinded your vision as you awoke from your concussion-induced stupor. Your mind raced a million miles a minute amongst the red haze, confusion choking you as you read to garner something to hold onto. What you could come up with was, 'What the hell?'.
   After a moment of a dazed moment of trying to garner something else to cling to, you realized it to be useless as everything in your mind was in a blur and broken into impossible fragments.
   You did your best to soak in your surroundings and make a reasonable sense out of what was happening, but you were coming up rather empty-handed, but all you knew was that you were in a vast box that a terrifyingly dark crimson-red blazed in every single corner. Well, you assumed it to be a box, because in what you presumed to be the corners of the expanse a darker shade of red appeared; which subtly hinted at dimensions? You didn't know, because everything else in your mind was ripped to shreds by the blow to the head you received. As well as the fact that forming a sentence was harder then it should've been, and remembering anything about someone or something was damn near impossible.
You looked to your body for at least some sort of familiarity, but you nearly choked when you saw nothing. WHAT THE HELL? Your thoughts repeated once more, and if everything kept up, it would soon turn into a mantra. A wave of unease washed over you like a bucket of cold water, and you felt sick to your stomach.
After a moment, you decided it best not to stick around, knowing that moving around would be the better option in this case.
With every silent step you took, the corners of the expanse broadened, causing it to become an endless region of scarlet sterility. Then it clicked.

This is a dream.

But before you even had a second to process this new possible evidence, an abrupt cry of pure agony ripped throughout your body, the sudden and unexpected electric shock attacking throughout your body like an eel realizing it's caught in a trap, caught you completely off guard. The absolute pain that shot through your body was so immense that you doubled over, letting out silent outcries of profound anguish. As you lay crumpled to the blood-colored bottom, you could see the surges of electricity encircling your shape for some unusual reason. It took the silhouette of your body, taking the form of your limbs without them even being there.
What the hell. You frustratedly thought as the abrupt pain subsided just as quickly as it had appeared. You laid there for what felt like geological eons, crumpled and hysterical on the surface floor.
If you weren't frightened then, you sure as hell were now as a tremendously huge raven broke across the encompassing wine-colored sky; its mouth opening and closing to resemble the indication of it screeching out, but silently. You violently shivered as the large raven encircled above your collapsed body.
You were about to try and move anywhere from this place, but another wave of violent affliction swiped across your being, effectively ceasing your movements. The shock surges slashed and shredded at your mental sanity and your physical well-being. You wanted to wail and sob at the same time, but no noises came forth. The familiarity of it all was appalling.
The raven then dove down upon your writhing body, landing on your torso soundlessly. Unexpectedly though, it didn't move or make a sound as it stood perched above you.
   Moments passed and you barely cracked open an eye to see the large creature above you, but for some strange reason, amidst the misery, a ripple of serenity curled around your soul.
  You didn't even realize you were slipping back into unconsciousness until the welcoming black enveloped your body, gradually ending all the suffering you felt.

   "WAKE UP!" An unknown voice barked out, harshly awakening you from your coma. Unaware to you, another rush of severe electricity viciously weakened your body. You cried out and this time, you heard your own cries; which was oddly comforting for your mind.
  Your eyes abruptly burst open, and before you, a purge trooper with a stun baton with electricity that licked like an eel stood inches away from your body, just waiting maliciously for your next wrong move.
   So that's what- Your train of thought was quickly dismissed by the purge trooper thrusting the baton into your arm. Your cries of anguish ripped through the room as you tried to turn away from the source of raw energy, but your arms and legs were tightly bound to the upright stretcher. Out of agony and pure frustration you screamed out an absolutely deafening uproar that came from deep within that caused the scarlet lights that were all around the room to flicker and the purge trooper to hesitate and step back. Your body slumped back into the stretcher in frailty, taking solace in the fact that you had a moment's rest.
   You barely registered how a stormtrooper entered the room, checking in on things, blaster tightly clutched in one hand. The purge trooper eyed you warily before turning to the other to speak a few words. And before they even uttered words to one another, you passed out from pure exhaustion.

    You were once again awoken with the searing pain of electric shock that had yet to become familiarized to you. You screamed once more, for it was the only noise you could make to illustrate the pain you felt.
    "Where is it?!" The purge trooper shouted, holding the stun baton dangerously close to your neck.
     "W-where I-is what-t?" You croaked out, your voice hoarse from the screaming.
     "The Holocron." Another voice stiffly announced, which was somehow familiar to you. An Imperial Inquisitor suddenly stalked into your view, the red of the helmet's eyes sending a wave of panic to course through you. You knew immediately who it was, for the voice and sheathed lightsaber she held was all too customary. "I can sense your dismay, Y/N... How entirely pitiful." She stated icily.
   You steeled your features and shut off your emotions as best you could then, realizing that putting all your emotions on display would only give her an advantage in all of this.
  "That won't work, child." Trilla asserted with a heartless chuckle, taking off her helmet and shifting it into a nearby stormtroopers arms to get a better look at you. "Don't scratch it." She seethed to the stormtrooper who was trembling under her fierce gaze. "Y/N, I have a proposition..." She let out, a gloved hand stroking her chin as her eyes bore holes into your soul. "I've been thinking, " She announced, taking a menacing step closer.
   "That's dangerous." You declared, and you didn't even care for what trouble that might get you in because it was good to get a dig into the foul being; but her reaction was not at all what you'd expected. She only chuckled at the comment and told the purge trooper to ease off.
    "In my case, it can be... But only for you dear." She muttered with a sly smirk. "But anyway... I believe it would be beneficial for you and for us, for you to become an Inquisitor for the Imperial Empire." Trilla said with a dark smile. "And I won't need your word, because we can and will brainwash you into doing such beautiful things for the dark lord himself." She confessed giddily, prompting a wave of nausea to crash through your body.
   "Never." You simply stated, causing Trilla's smirk to turn into what was presumably an angry frown. "I could never work for such putrid scum like you!" You quickly shouted out, brutally struggling against your restraints in vain. Before Trilla could sick the purge trooper on you, at a last-ditch attempt you spat a fat wad of saliva directly into her face. You barely had enough time to enjoy your victory and the look of pure disgust that flashed onto her face before the purge trooper slammed the baton into your arm all over again; effectively inciting you to slip into unconsciousness once more.

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