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You blearily blinked your eyes open from your long snooze, silently thanking God that you didn't have another nightmare.
It was slightly dark in the compact room, but a miniature glimpse of light could be seen from a crack between the two metal pieces that pulled apart when triggered by motion. You sat up, moving your feet to rest on the floor, still trying to regain a sense of consciousness as you blinked away the sleep from your eyes.
You surveyed the room for a certain mischievous pet named Boogie, but you realized that he wasn't there, so panic began to spike inside you provoking your heart to quicken in its pace.
You stood up and changed into a spare shirt you had, throwing an old poncho-like sweater you owned over it to help keep you warm. After you were done, you went to stand on the left by the door, listening for any voices outside. You heard murmurs, but nothing you could really make out.
You stepped to the door cautiously, the still unfamiliar noise greeting your ears as you stepped out. The mumbles and hushed tones continued as you stepped out, two voices speaking in muffled tones as if wishing to not be heard. Your curiosity got the better of you and you reluctantly tip-toed towards the noises. You turned to the left and continued walking until you saw a small little workbench ahead and a ladder to the left leading to what seemed to be the inner mechanics of the starship. You hovered off to the side, struggling to catch snippets of the conversation.
"I don't want to have to fly around another person Cere, it's bad enough..." The person faded out, someone who you assumed to be Greez. "I say we drop her back off at... She was happy... She doesn't... Cere! She is your niece! You can't just-" Another voice who you now knew to be Cere cut off Greez. You only heard bits and pieces of the conversation but it was enough to get subtle agitation to slither into the tips of your toes, unhurriedly inching its way up to your mind.
"She isn't my... I'll say whatever the hell I want Greez. We need her even if we don't..." Cere murmured with indignation, her voice at certain points raising and at others lowering in a menacing tone that you could barely catch.
You had had enough, so you swiveled back to the main area of the starship to check out where you were at. You promptly made it to the nearest window, peering outside as you did so. It seemed to be Zeffo once more, for some odd reason, but a different area. Somewhere else, somewhere familiar? You didn't know for sure, but it was a small civilization and there seemed to be a market place off in the short distance. You decided to grab your bag and clear your head, and if the starship just happened to leave, then so be it.
You walked back to your room and grabbed the small bag you carried with yourself and diligently wandering towards the hatch, stepped towards the door that led to the outside. Before you opened it, Boogie scampered up and onto your back, eliciting a dozen or so delighted squeaks as he did so, clearly ready for another adventure. You smiled lightly, a small chuckle escaping your lips. You looked up at the keypad off to the right of you, seeing a few random buttons that had a small picture engraved in each. You hesitantly pressed the one that closely resembled that of the hatch opening, and thankfully it did so quite noiselessly.
You stepped out into the damp atmosphere, the remarkable smell of rain wafting over your senses like a warm cup of tea being sipped. You smiled at the familiarity of it all, and you wouldn't admit it, but in that short period of time you had been gone, you had missed the climate and entire simplicity of the life you once had.
You stepped off the platform, causing it to leisurely rise up once more. You took off in high spirits, content buzzing throughout your entire being. Something felt like it was missing, but you decided to push that to the back of your mind, to think of it at another time. The bitterly frigid drizzle of rain welcomed you as you strolled down the barely occupied streetways. As your strolled, you understood that Boogie seemed just as content as you, having curled up around your neck, gradually surveying the area that flickered by him.
Eventually, you made it to the marketplace in a relatively short time and there were quite a few townsfolk hurrying about, some walking to one another, some hoping to get to a certain stall first. You saw a certain stall containing clothing, and you internally clapped from excitement. You went over to the elderly lady that introduced herself with a beautifully warm smile that made you feel comfortable. You smiled luminously back and began talking with the lady. You traded a few things here and there that you didn't particularly like, but the lady seemed to take great interest in. You walked away with some nice and fresh clothing, and you stuffed it into your backpack before it could get soaked. You saw another stall that had a couple of hundred beads dangling off the sides of it and something in the native language that you deciphered to be, "Beautiful Baubles". You roamed over to the stall, peering warily at the stunning jewelry before you. The middle-aged man cheerfully waved at you, a sunny smile across his face as he peered down at you.
He questioned you in his native language and you translated it to, "Would the pretty lady like some jewelry?" At that, you smiled at him and nodded graciously. He bobbed his head up and down heartily, happy to show off his handmade trinkets to anyone willing. He held up an elegant necklace that you immediately adored, it was everything you wanted in a necklace, beautiful yet simple, not too flashy but just the right amount of grandness. You smiled and nodded your head once more, indicating you wished to buy the necklace. He smiled again, showing you the price tag and awaited your purchase. As you looked at the price your heart sunk slightly, an undetectable pout settling over your pretty lips. It was too pricy for you, and you didn't have that kind of money. You sighed and shook your head morosely, implying you couldn't buy the necklace. The man appeared crestfallen but nodded his head in understanding. You sighed and bid goodbye before walking off to explore the town a bit more, slightly disheartened but in good spirits.

1k??? Thank you all so much :, ) <3

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