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After fighting quite a few stormtroopers, Cal and you finally made it to the control room where two stormtroopers distracted by the million buttons before them awaited the two of you.
Cal gazed at you, a humourous grin on his face as he silently conveyed what should go down. You were slightly confused though, not knowing what he meant. He looked up at BD-1, and the droid seemed to also agree with what he was thinking. He mouthed to you the word, 'distraction', and you made a small 'o' with your mouth in understanding. A muted chuckle left Cal and you, and you nodded in final comprehension. He jerked his head towards the two speaking stormtroopers, and you bobbed your head once more in acknowledgment.
You crept up behind them, excitement creeping up inside you with fervor. Without a second thought, you did what was your first instinct and took both their heads and whacked them together; consequently causing them both to become unconscious. Cal laughed behind you and you turned around quickly, just in time to spot him pumping his fist in the air, a brilliant smile upon his lips. You laughed, turning around to hop into the co-pilot seat in front of you; Cal followed suit, dropping into the seat next to you with satisfaction. From Cal's shoulder, BD-1 jumped down and began beeping about, inspecting certain buttons excitedly. You smiled as you looked at the droid, a complete... feeling, if that made any sense, settled inside your chest. You didn't know why you felt whole once more, something you hadn't experienced in ages, so you dismissed the notion without a second thought, believing that there were more important things at hand.
   Cal took hold of the main controls, and the walker lurched forward with a step, causing you to sway forward in your seabecause of the sudden motion.
    "Take care of the canons Y/N!" Cal quickly instructed, prompting you to nod your head and shoot at the other walker ahead of you. Suddenly, a transmission of a stormtrooper popped into view to the left of you, speaking in a harsh and quick tone of urgency. You didn't catch all that he said, something about going against the rules, but Cal interrupted, speaking to BD-1 when he said, "Can you shut him up?"
   BD-1 beeped in enthusiasm, gleefully zapping the transmission off with a spark. You giggled lightly at BD-1 as you shot down another starship. Cal laughed alongside you, glancing at you endearingly before quickening the pace of the AT-AT. You came into view of an extensive battleground, where blaster bolts shot about, red blurs flashing swiftly in and out of sight in the distance. Hidden in the brush, you saw the many Imperial turrets set up, blasting away at the resistance fighters without remorse. You shot at them wildly, a newfound hostility burning inside you.
   While you were having fun with the canons, a tank of a man landed on the windshield of the walker, banging on it with his large blaster.
    "Hey! Who are you?!" He shouted through the bulletproof glass. You slowed down your blasting, listening to what Cal declared next.
     "Someone who just brought an AT-AT to the table. Who are you?" Cal replied nonchalantly, you smiled at how confident he seemed. It was definitely hot, to say the least.
    "Someone making the Empire angry." The hefty man replied. "We're advancing on an imp landing pad up ahead, wouldn't mind fire support." He continued, grunting out the terms gruffly.
    "Copy that." Cal answered, nodding his head in acceptance. You smiled and turned your attention back to the battlefield before you. Cal reached over and gently squeezed your arm, softly saying, "You hear that? We're gonna help the resistance!" He proclaimed, a beaming smile on his face as he looked at you adoringly. You smiled back just as brightly, a light blush creeping up your neck and onto your face as you stayed under his gaze. Cal chuckled and grinned, a head over heels look on his face that you forced yourself to not think twice about.
    You shot down turrets and insignificant battalions of stormtroopers, all the while Cal maneuvering the AT-AT through the foliage and twisted trees. Exhilaration pumped through your veins with even more passion with every Imperial puppet you shot down.
After you shot down a bridge just overhead, you came into a clearing, which you assumed was the Imperial landing pad the unknown man was talking about.
"There's the landing pad, " Cal spoke up, inducing a nod from you.
"This is fun!" You giggled out, earning a few beeps from BD-1 and spin, making you laugh as you got ready to shoot at the red containers and stormtroopers off to the side. Cal laughed as well, nodding his head in agreement. As you shot at the red containers, the entire right side of the landing pad exploded, causing the AT-AT to shake slightly due to the impact.
"Almost there!" Cal and you said in unison, making the two of you chuckle once more.
"We can do this." Cal let out reassuringly, making you smile softly. Man, you were catching feelings for this angelic boy, and by golly, if you could help it...
In front of you, a massive Imperial starship was getting ready for takeoff, evidently trying to escape.
"Oh no you don't!" You murmured aloud, aiming the canons upwards and at the fleeing ship. You lit it up with blaster bullets and slugs, anger fueling the every press of the button you took. It burst into flames but was still functional, hovering in the air with a stutter before aiming straight onward towards Cal and you.
"It's heading for us... Can we do anything?" Cal looked at BD-1 and you helplessly, the same look on his face settling into your stomach. You shrugged your shoulders weakly and BD-1 screeched out a shrill beep. You let out a yelp and Cal a grunt as the Imperial starship crashed into the walker with such force that it knocked your head back into your seat, the metal colliding ferociously with your head.
   Everything began to fade at a rapid pace, your vision quickly becoming a fuzzy haze of varying shades of grey. Your body went limp limb by limb, the feeling agonizing as the walker careened to the forest floor. The last thing you heard before everything went completely and entirely black, was your name being shouted out in utter desperation.

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