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   You looked back at Cere and offered a sweet smile, "Look after Boogie for me!" You shouted out, the voice almost being lost in the relentless wind. Before you could see her reply you gazed at Cal, determination fixated deep within both of your eyes.
   On Cal's shoulder, BD-1 beeped in slight annoyance from not being noticed, causing a small chuckle to escape your lips.
Cal offered a sheepish smile that you adored before rushing out, "Do you trust me?"
   Your heart skipped a beat before nodding your head 'yes'. Cal's smile brightened to that of a billion suns, and before your heart could suffer anymore he swiftly but softly tugged you off the platform with him. You let out a laugh as you both plummeted to the ocean below you two. The falling sensation wasn't what you expected, it wasn't scary, it felt... freeing.
   Cal tightened his hold ever so slightly just before you hit the water, causing you to subtly squeeze back in affirmation.
    As the water washed over you like a wave, you realized that it bore a minor chill, that helped to ease your nerves.
   You swam to the surface which was only a short distance and smiled as you broke the water, immediately spotting a cute looking Cal trying to fix his hair and a fussy droid on his shoulders, seemingly troubled at not being shown attention. You swam closer to him, once close enough you tapped his shoulder to gather his attention.
    "That walker?" You asked, pointing to one in the near distance, making Cal nod breathlessly. You flashed a wry grin before swimming off to the walker, yelping out, "Whoever reaches it last has to compliment Greez's cooking!" In response, you could hear Cal's suddenly frantic strokes trying to catch up to you. You let out a glorious laugh as you swam faster towards the walker; dodging debris as you swam.
   Soon enough you made it to the walker, a particularly uneasy feeling as you latched onto the vines thriving off the metal leg.
   As you waited for Cal, who wasn't that far behind, you definitely didn't like it when the limb lifted up and plodded forward. To catch up Cal put in a burst of speed, quickly attaching to a vine. After he reached your position you both began clambering up and around the enormous walker.
  You recognized that the cavity in your gut only grew as a pair of unsettlingly big blaster bolts barely missed Cal and you.
  The two of you promptly made it to the head of the walker, and your arms definitely burned as you muscled your way to the other side as there was nothing for you to place your feet upon, only your arms to hold you up. Your stomach chucked as you dared to sneak a glimpse at the ground below you, but you muscled through. You pushed through to the other side of the ship with Cal, both of you ascending to the top of the walker. You looked ahead and saw a trooper manning a turret, and you glanced at Cal who gave you a nod. At the unspoken assurance, you both slowly advanced towards him.
   Before you could even register what happened though, the trooper was shot at from a starship, making your heart jump quite noticeably. But it did allow for you and Cal to easily slide into the hatch below the turret.
    Once inside you looked around, a glowing red light the only thing to illuminate the small space inside. Cal and you looked around for an alternative entrance as the one you could use was locked, and found a Mongoose off to the side suspended by wires. Cal peered over the side and saw that it lead elsewhere and motioned for you to come closer.
    "I'll go first, make sure everything's clear, then you can come down." Cal said quietly, a protective sense to his words. You smiled and rolled your eyes.
    "Cal I'm not powerless, I can handle myself." You said, peering over the side as well.
    "I know you're not, but my top priority is to keep you safe. Besides we're wasting time let me just do this." Cal said, delicately booping your nose before hopping onto the mongoose and gently dropping to the metal floor.

Sorry, this is a shorter and crappier chapter :( they all haven't been too hot recently and I don't really have an excuse other than I've been a bit busy but still that shouldn't be an excuse but aNYWAY I'm sorry I love you all tho and 3k?? Thank you so much!! I live to go on Wattpad and read all your heartwarming comments and everything you all are too perfect for this world!! 🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️

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