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    Cere stood in the kitchen, tears in her eyes as she looked upon you. You'd changed a lot since you were younger, your hair had grown out and your face more brilliant and lovely, but she could still tell who you were.
    "Y/N..." She began, choking up before she could say anything else. Bewilderment and astonishment hit you, but soon grief dominated and you darted over to hug the only person that was like a mother figure in your life. You sobbed into her shoulder all of the emotions you had kept pent up inside you for years. You both stayed there, hugging each other hoping that it wasn't some crazy twisted fantasy.
    "Auntie, I thought you had been killed..." You whispered quietly as you regained your composure, wiping away the tear streaks swiftly.
    "I'm here now, and that's what matters Y/N..." Cere said softly, rubbing soft circles into your back to try and calm your breathing. It worked for the most part, besides the occasional sniffles. You wanted to ask so many questions, but you felt something was off inside Cere, so you let it be, opting to question later. All of a sudden, she interrupted the short period of silence but urgently questioning you, saying, "How is your force connection?"
    "Strong.?" You responded, but it came out as more of a question, wondering why she wanted to know about this of all things when you'd been separated for six years.
"Good," Cere said, her face determined as she spoke. "I have much to tell you Y/N, but let's get back to my ship, introduce you to the crew, quickly, pack your things, we don't have a moment to waste." Confusion swelled throughout your whole self.
Ship? Crew? You suddenly grew panicked, you'd been out of touch from all human communication for years, now, and without easing yourself into it, something was going to go wrong. Hell, you were quite awkward around people before the collapse. This is going to be a nightmare, you thought, bitterness slowly rising inside. Then you realized you were supposed to start packing, but as you got up to grab the few valuables you still had, you stopped yourself. Why are we leaving? You questioned yourself, turmoil and irritation churned inside you. Why should you be leaving this place when Cere had said they would be staying here? All of a sudden, you didn't want to get off this godforsaken planet, you felt defensive for it, and you suddenly listened to the premonition you'd felt before talking to Cere. Something was off. You stood there, back facing an impatient Cere, wanting questions now.
"Something's off." You muttered, distrust seeping ito the corners of your mind.
"What?" Cere snapped, impatience blending together her words like venom. You defensively whipped around, hand hovering around your lightsaber.
"Something is off." You said louder this time, making it apparent that you didn't automatically trust Cere's sudden change of attitude that was different from what you remembered. Cere's eyebrows furrowed together in frustration and her lips pursed together.
"Y/N, we do not have time for this. I will answer all your questions when we get on the ship. I know I've been gone for a long time so trust must be gained back. But we need to leave. Now." She huffed, obviously wanting to leave. You wanted to fight it, you did, but you knew it would be pointless.
You grabbed your favorite books from the shelves, grabbed the spare clothes you'd traded for with food last month and decided that was enough. It wasn't much, all of it fit into a small backpack that had been lying around when you came. But you felt horrible when remorse crammed inside you as you walked out the door; but seeing Boogie sitting outside with his head cocked to the side was your breaking point. Tears pricked your eyes and your nose started to hurt as you realized you couldn't leave, not without Boogie. It sounded foolish, but you had too many memories with Boogie, and to leave the only friend you had behind, you just couldn't.
"Cere, " You called out, she looked back now, wondering what you would say now. "I can't leave my pet, Boogie..." You murmured, Cere wasn't far but it still would've been hard to hear you, but she somehow heard it, causing her eyes to soften ever so slightly.
"Fine, but you can deal with the Captain's annoyance. He wasn't too fond when a droid came onboard." Cere said, offering a small smile to you before trotting off into the direction of where you assumed the ship was.
Excitement filled you as you motioned for Boogie to come up to your shoulder, which he gladly did so, making you giggle slightly before jogging to catch up with Cere; never once allowing yourself to look back to the place you initially called home.

    The walk had been deathly still, neither of you speaking a word as you trudged down the muddy and rocky slope. You spent your time making sure you didn't slip and enjoying Boogie's company, but two thoughts wouldn't stop consuming your mind. 'What happened to Cere?' and the other you wondered what the hell this feeling was in your heart, the feeling of an emptiness that had begun on your eighteenth birthday, and the more you meditated you noticed it only grew larger. You didn't know how to explain it, but it was kind of like a yearning or longing for something or someone. It hurt your head, and you decided you'd had way too much 'thought time' today, and any other day if you were honest with yourself.

Soon enough you were in front of a medium-sized starship that Cere referred to as 'The Mantis', and you felt anxious, something you hadn't gone through in a while. Cere had walked inside and stood at the doorway but was turned away, appearing to be talking with somebody before motioning for you to come inside.

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I decided to post again too lol :)

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