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  "Do you want to talk about it more?" Cal asked gently after the laughter had died down.
   "I don't know, I wouldn't want to bore you with my sob story, " You let out a chuckle, past insecurities rising up, which caused Cal to huff a breath of annoyance.
    "I won't get bored if you tell me about your problems. I'm here to listen, not here to judge or anything. It's good to just let it all out sometimes..." Cal said, giving you a sweet smile to try and reassure you.
  "W-well..." You stuttered out, a blush creeping onto your face, "If I spill my guts you have to too!" You blurted out, causing Cal to let out a lively laugh, and inevitably your heart stuttered at the mere sound.
   "Ok, " Cal said with a goofy smile, and you could feel another blush creeping up your neck.
The two of you spent the next few hours talking about anything and everything that came to mind, and you felt like you could call him a good friend now. You found out that Cal worked in Bracca after the collapse as a scrapper, and had been with Cere for a quite a few weeks before they had come across you, and even though it seemed to hurt him, he talked about his Master Jaro Tapal vaguely. You also talked a little about your Master, and you both bonded and healed from the past, but there was still a long road to recovery, but it was a good first few steps in your opinion.
   "What time is it?" Cal asked, making you laugh, and BD-1 beep out the time, resulting in a whistle from Cal.
  "I totally forgot about the time..." You said, laughter dying down as you peered into the abyss below once more. Cal cocked his head to the side and stared at you as you looked down, but you didn't really notice because Boogie was in need of attention at that point in time, nuzzling his face into your neck, earning another round of laughter as that area was particularly sensitive.
   "We should head back..." Cal began, a sense of sadness in his eyes as he looked upon you. "Will you come back to the ship?" He asked, and your heart did this stupid flip thing that totally didn't mean anything.
    "I don't think you'd ever survive without me!" You said dramatically, placing a hand over your heart which made Cal chuckle slightly.
    "But will you?" Cal asked, hope shamelessly shining in his voice. A blush crept onto your face for what felt like the nth time that day.
   "Yeah..." You mumbled softly, causing Cal's entire face to light up and he side hugged you quickly, but soon pulled away as he stood up, and again, you missed the warmth. You sighed as you stood up.
   "You and me, we're gonna be attached to the hip we're going to be so close!" Cal said jokingly, making you laugh as you both walked back to the entrance. Your heart felt so cheerful that it was like it was going to explode, Cal was just so kind and funny your little heart just couldn't handle it! You felt complete and all-around optimistic that maybe it wouldn't be miserable if Cal would be there.
You both hopped over the stones, realizing that the sun was beginning to set as a comfortable silence consumed you both. Your entire mind was Cal, and you were entirely ok with that. You hadn't even realized you were back at the ship until the still unfamiliar noise of the hatch opening filled your senses, dread cramming into the deepest reaches. Your hesitancy showed apparent to Cal because he turned around and offered his hand, and with an unwillingness, you took it lightly, trying so desperately to think of anything but how perfectly your hand fit in his. As you entered the Mantis you dropped Cal's hand, feeling like you had merely imagined the disappointment on his face as you did so.
You quickly scanned the area and noticed that Greez appeared to no longer be in the cockpit, probably in his room, and Cere was on the couch, just recently waking up from a nap it seemed.
   "It's about time you got back." Cere declared with resentment stifling a yawn as she did so. You only sighed at this, too tired to argue.
    "Where do I sleep?" You asked quietly, Cal perked up, evidently caught mid-thought.
   "Follow me, " Cal said, walking up the stairs and into a hall, you followed him, not daring to spare Cere a second glance.
Once you made it to your room, you realized it wasn't anything too big, but it had a comforting atmosphere to it, and you knew everything would be alright.
   "I'm right across the hall." Cal said, giving you a bright smile before turning around and heading to his side. You dropped the backpack you had been carrying and put everything away, Cal's smile still present in your mind.
Stop stop stop stop stop! Stop thinking of Cal! You wailed to yourself in thought while flopping onto your bed. Boogie had just missed being crushed, letting out an indignant squeak before cuddling up on your shoulder.
Not long after Boogie had made himself comfortable, exhaustion gradually dragged over you like a thick blanket, something you hadn't experienced in a long time, and you fell into a deep sleep.

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