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No matter how fast hyper-speed is, it feels like it takes forever to get from one planet to the next. You'd set off to Kashyyyk about an hour ago, and had decided to lounge on the couches next to the kitchen. You were goofing around with Boogie and BD-1, all of your concerns and bothers absent from your mind.
Boogie squeaked out a high-pitched chirp as you playfully flicked his large and drooping ear. He swiped his paw at the fastly retreating hand and to his dismay missing only by a millimeter; causing a chuckle to escape from your mouth.
"Don't be mad Boogie!" You said jokingly, a mischevious grin inching its way onto your face. Your grin grew even wider as you noticed that from behind a frazzled Boogie stood BD-1, who was waiting for his moment to pounce. You winked at the rascal droid as if to signal him to go, and it took him but a moment to take his robotic limb and poke Boogie in the back devilishly. At the sudden assault, Boogie whirled around in outrage. He furiously scoured to locate his attacker, soon finding himself to be empty-handed due to BD-1 having impishly scampered up and onto your head before the other had time to react.
   At the realization that he could not blame anyone, he balled his tiny paws into little fists and squeaked out what you assumed to be a tone of, 'Boogie curse words', as you had dubbed them. After his miniature tantrum, Boogie stormed off to the other side of the couch, seizing the opportunity to sulk with appreciation. At the 'disaster', you chuckled and BD-1 let out an amused beep as well.

"Poor Boogie..." Cal said with mock woefulness behind you. You turned your head to his voice and saw him leaning against the entrance to the back room. He definitely looked decent. He'd taken a shower, his hair washed and slicked back, fresh clothes on and skin scarcely pink from the heat of the shower; only making his freckles stand out even more than they did. He looked hot as hell but also adorable as anything, and you couldn't handle it at all.
   You smirked mischievously once more, wondering if you could get the man to become flustered. Cal looked at you quizzically, wondering what the sudden change of demeanor was about. He pushed himself off the door out of curiosity and made his way to settle into the cushion next to you.
"What's with the smirk?" Cal asked, a sense of innocence oozing from his words; but you weren't to be fooled, no, not by this man.
"Oh it's nothing, " you flicked imaginary dust off of the man's shoulder. "you just look cute, but hot at the same time. I think... What's the word... Ah oh well, you're 'cot'." You finished with a bright smile, proud of your choice of words. Cal's cheeks tinted a lovely shade of red as he laughed his flawless laugh. He covered his smile with the back of his hand, a sudden sheepishness overtaking him as he continued to laugh. You smiled even brighter if possible, and brought Cal's hand down. "Don't hide your cute smile, please! I couldn't bear it if you covered it!" You said, casting a hand over your heart in dramatics. Cal laughed even harder, his cheeks now an adorable shade of crimson red.
   "You're too cute Y/N..." Cal confessed after his laughter had died down, a shy smile on his lips and cheeks tinted a pretty shade of pink now. He looked at you fondly, slowly taking in your stunning features like one would soak up the sun.
   Now it was your turn to flush... Being under Cal's eyes made your mind think of crazy thoughts, and it only made you blush further.
    "No I'm not!" You whisper-shouted at Cal, which only caused him to smile further.
   "Yeah right... Keep telling yourself that!" Cal stated with a smug wink. You rolled your eyes animatedly and stood up, making your way over to the kitchen counter to grab a bite to eat. You looked back and saw Cal's eyes lazily following you, making you roll your eyes at him as well as the fact that you didn't even protest when a blush crept up your neck.
    "Can you grab me something eat?" Cal begged innocently, hands together in a begging motion. You rolled your eyes again as you grabbed him and you a random fruit that you didn't remember the name of. You tossed the fruit to Cal and he caught it with his right hand, not failing to stick his tongue out at you as he caught it.
   "Uhm, I'll have you know, " You began with a funny accent, "that that was quite offensive..." Cal laughed as he began to peel his fruit, you soon doing the same.
   "You'll live!" Cal said cheerfully, making an elated laugh escape your lips. Your heart hummed into your throat as you sat back down beside Cal. You smiled as a fuzzy feeling overtook your senses.
   Over on the other side of the couch lay Boogie and BD-1 cuddling, and it made you feel even happier. You looked up at Cal who was staring at the two cuddle buddies. You both sat there in silence, and after another moment or two, you suddenly decided to take a leap of faith. You wanted to squeal as you rested your head atop Cal's wide shoulders, a satisfied feeling settling into your already melted heart. Cal's body grew rigid for a moment but soon softened into the touch with ease. With his free hand, he ran his fingers through your hair smoothly; earning a pleased hum from you. Cal laughed lightly at the hum but continued playing with your hair. A comfortable hush fell over the two of you as you basked in the other's wonderful presence. It felt terrific, to say the least, and you knew right then and there that you wanted to live with it for the rest of your life.

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