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Your mind began to whirl at a million miles a second, worry clutching your heart in a vice-like grip. Cal's murmuring had dimmed down to nothing, which only caused you to worry more. In a split-second decision, you dropped to the forest floor, holding to Cal as if your life depended on it. You held Cal's face in your hands, concern obvious on your face.
   "Cal?" You quietly called out to him, and to your relief, his eyes flicked open and he gave you a weak smile. You huffed out a breath of relief and gently hugged him to try and reaffirm that he was actually there and alive. The two of you stayed there momentarily, and your worry seemed to slightly slip away, but Cal interrupted the moment with a chuckle.
    "I love this, don't get me wrong. But wouldn't it be best if we made it to the ship first?" Cal joked breathily, a subtle flinch of pain unmistakable in his voice as he laughed. Your face turned a slight pink as you barely chuckled at your mistake.
   "Sorry!" You said quickly as you helped Cal up into an upright position, soon helping him to stand, with your support.
   "Don't apologize..." He replied softly, pressing a lovely kiss on top of your hair. You giggled and ever so gently squeezed his side.
"Ok, " you mumbled as you helped him back to the Mantis.

After not too long, Cal and you made it back to the starship in one piece. The nearby resistance fighters who had decided to linger outside helped the two of you get back to the starship as well, helping you carry Cal and all. One's name was Nina, and she helped you carry Cal the rest of the way to the ship.
"Any idea'r how this migh'ta happen' Miss?" Nina inquired, her thick accent provoking you to almost smile.
"I honestly don't know, " you explained sadly with a shrug. What felt like an eternity but was only a minute passed before you continued, "by the way I like your accent... where are you from?" You asked, causing Nina to chuckle lightly.
"Not quite sure I really 'member Miss..." She replied lightly, a tinge of sadness hidden beneath the words.
"I'm so sorry, " You said, concern once again filling your body. "and you don't have to call me Miss, Y/N is fine." You uttered with a grim smile. Nina chuckled again this time.
"Don't worry 'bout it Miss, an' why can't I call you Miss? You are a Jedi aft'r'all." She responded with a toothy grin, her blue skin dancing in the sunlight, making her seem otherworldly. You chuckled and shrugged your shoulders once more.
"Alright... but being a Jedi doesn't mean I'm above the law." You countered, causing Cal to let out a bark of laughter, then sharply inhale in pain.
"Preach Y/N!" He whisper-shouted through gritted teeth. You and Nina laughed at this, but it was cut short by trying to help Cal into the starship. With a slight struggle, you made it into the starship without much pain. Nina waved a goodbye and you offered her a small goodbye before you turned to Cere. What you weren't exactly expecting was how Cere nearly exploded with nervousness.
"What the hell happened?!?" Cere nearly shouted as you gingerly helped Cal to settled down to lay on the sofa. When you finished, you tried to think of an explanation for Cere, but you only came up empty-handed.
"I don't know Cere, honestly, I think maybe as should wait till Cal's healed and then let's ask him questions." You explained quietly to Cere, which caused her concern to wane slightly as she nodded in affirmation. You turned back to Cal and saw him ready to doze off, his eyes drooping and a bloodied arm atop his chest.
"Oh no you don't!" You said as you began to snap at Cal's face to wake him up. Cal blinked rapidly at the sudden commotion, making you breathe a chuckle. "You can't go to sleep with all these wounds Cal..." You said, motioning for him to sit up so you could help him to the back room.

Cal sat on the bed you were once laying on now, looking like a little boy as he complained at how the bandage around his hand was too tight.
"It hurts Y/N..." Cal sighed childishly, dragging out your name to add to his act. You rolled your eyes playfully and readjusted the bandage slightly.
"That better?" You asked as you gently patted the bandage around his hand. Cal exaggerated his nod in a playful way, adding a small hum to finish the act. You chuckled and rolled your eyes once more. As it died down, your cheeks stained a pretty pink as you realized that you had to do next. "Everything's done you just kinda... maybe sorta... have to take off your shirt so I can wrap a bandage around the wound on your back..." You mumbled quietly, getting quieter and quieter as you spoke if it was even possible. Your cheeks tinted a nice shade of red as Cal grinned at your reaction.
"You're trying to take advantage of me aren't you?" Cal asked, a smirk toying his busted lips.
"Wh-wha-what g-gave you s-such an id-idea??" You spluttered, making Cal laugh a hearty laugh; he clutched his side in pain but the laughs still tumbled out.
"I-it hurts but I c-can't stop!" Cal laughed out, causing you to break into a fit of giggles.

Really sorry my peeps 🥺❤️

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