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    In and out consciousness it became for you. It was almost a sickening routine now, pass out from either pure exhaustion, or be knocked out for God knows how long, then wake up with a splitting headache and be interrogated until you blacked out once again.
With every passing second of this hell, your emotions raged in a brewing cauldron of acid. Outrage and bitterness, turmoil, despair and sorrow and so much more twisted and curled inside you like wisps of cancerous smoke; the utter pain of it all was suffocating.

     Your eyes ripped open in a flash and you scoured the room in a frenzy. After mere seconds, your agitation became barely eased when you noticed nobody was in the small expanse.
    Your head thumped back against the metal headrest, harsh exhaustion seeping into your bones. You understood now that at this point, you merely awaited your next appointment for torture. You just wanted to sleep this all off, wishing to forget that you were in this godforsaken situation in the first place.
How much longer? Your inner thoughts echoed throughout your empty mind, provoking a sharp pang of hopelessness to reverberate throughout your hollowed body.

  Salty tears began to slowly trickle their way down your bruised skin at the thoughts that slowly inched their way into your mind, almost like a vine gradually wrapping its way around a plant. You wallowed in despondency and fear as the moments of being alone passed on.
  Seconds turned into minutes, and minutes turned into hours, yet nobody came to end your suffering. For some bizarre reason, an insignificant sliver of your mind silently wished that the Purge Trooper would come back; but only to finish off this sickening game that was just them dancing around your body. They seemingly waited, but for what exactly? You didn't know.
   You finally cracked open your weary eyes to try and blink away the last few tears that were held in your dry eyes. As you sniffed and slowly withdrew from your body once more, the red lights encircling your displayed body flickered.
  What? Your mind immediately raced at the abrupt movement, disbelief flashing across your features instantaneously. But this couldn't have happened... You began to try and convince yourself that it had probably had been due to a trick of the light perhaps, or maybe you had possibly double-blinked..? Your unconvincing thoughts were cut short as the ominous lights flickered once more. Confusion filled within you as you tried to think of another impossible explanation. When nothing came forth, you inclined your head towards the closed entrance of the room. Yet you heard nothing from outside, so you brushed it off.

   Your head once more thumped to the metal headrest and pure exhaustion, any coherent thoughts simply dispersing and scrambling into a disheveled heap. However, one thought exploded into your brain, glowing with a sudden intense vibrancy that you hadn't felt in a long while. 'My lightsaber, ' resounded throughout your vulnerable and fragile body, but this time, a new hope began to arise within you. Your eyes tiredly peeled open once more, this time searching for one thing and one thing only.
   Eventually, you found it in an uncreative spot. Your lightsaber was held in a metal cabinet with see-through windows (for mere torture) that seemed unbreakable, but you didn't let this dampen your ever-growing spirit. You breathed a sigh of relief as you realized at least something stayed intact throughout this whole ordeal. Maybe I might make it out of this... You thought, but deep down, you knew it to only be wishful thinking. You didn't let that dilute your hope, knowing that it was the only thing you could grasp.
   You took a moment to clear your mind, letting a sense of calm that only the force could provide to you wash over your entire being. You felt the beautiful feeling of it connecting to your being like an invisible white tether enveloping your entire body. You exhaled deeply from your nose before trying to reach out with your arm to get a feel for the lightsaber. No luck, your arms were brutally chained to the chair, you had forgotten about it. They seemed slightly tighter than before, but you knew you had to make due with what you had. You lifted your fingers in the direction of the weapon, allowing it to wiggle free from the metal clasps it was bound to. The igniting of a lightsaber echoed throughout the room, along with it a metallic clank. It prompted a genuine smile to cross your features at the sounds that reached your ears. You opened your eyes and saw the metal cupboard-like thing in shambles on the floor, lightsaber burn marks present. You slowly allowed the lightsaber to drift towards you, shutting it off while doing so.
  After it reached your body, you positioned the lightsaber just above the shackles, wanting to melt them from above; then break free from them. You ignited the lightsaber once more and allowed it to ever so unhurriedly descend upon the chains. You gazed at how the metal heated up to a red hue before melting away, dripping onto the floor. You quickly shut it off before it touched your skin and ripped your arm from the binds. It severely burned your arm, but the pain had become numb to you now, and you simply shrugged it off as you grabbed your lightsaber and did the same to your other arm.
  After a minute or so, your arms were finally free, causing you to croakingly laugh in utter happiness. Tears of joy sprang from your eyes as you began to do the same actions as before but to your legs this time. Another round of tears sprang from your eyes as you could finally move your limbs (albeit limitedly) around. You quickly shut off the lightsaber when you were finished, inhaling a deep breath and silently thanking the force. You took a wobbly step forward to get out of the stretcher, but you tumbled to the floor in a crumpled heap, too weak to even walk.


  And that was when you heard the shouts of panic. Blasters shooting about, and, was that a lightsaber swinging?, outside of your prison cell.

I'm so sorry this chapter sucked!!! 😭😭
I hope you have a good Easter! Stay safe and be healthy my lil beans I love you ❤️❤️

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