Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


'Mom ? Dad ?'

'Don't worry Y/N-chan !, your big brother will protect you'

'why isn't nee-san moving ?'

'You little brat !'

'Onee-san, I'm sorry that i couldn't do anything'


'What's a kid like you doing on the streets ?'

'You're gonna be living with me now got it ?'

'Yes, sir'

'Y/N please remember that me and your mother love you, please live on for us, that's our only wish'

"DAD !"

I panted heavily as i fell off my bed. Not again, i got up and quickly fixed my bed and went to the bathroom to prepare myself for today. It's been years since that day but i still can't seem to get over it. After i took a shower, i dressed up in an outfit that i tossed on my bed last night. today i was heading to the book store to see if F/M's (Favorite manga) new volume got released today, i exited my room and quickly went downstairs and saw my brother making breakfast. "Morning Y/N" Shota said with eyes concentrated on the pan.

"Morning Shota, watcha making ?" i asked while i sat down on the kitchen stool.
"Pancakes and you heading somewhere ?" he served the pancakes and i took a bite out of it and i must say, Shota should cook more.
"Yeah going to the bookstore today, anything you want ?"
"Ah, yeah, mind if you get some dark roast beans ? I ran out of stock yesterday"
I laughed nervously and just answered with a nod.

I took the plates to the sink and washed them thoroughly. Ever since I've been saved by shota from the streets, I've developed a cleaning habit and would often clean the house every once in a while if he's on one of his patrols. I quickly said bye to shota and left our apartment complex.


I exited the book store and headed towards a cafe which sells coffee beans, i wasn't paying attention and accidentally bumped into someone. "Ah!, sorry !" i got up and dusted my skirt and quickly bowed to the person. "You should watch where you're going" He said rudely and i straightened my body position and looked up at the person. I saw some distinctive features, he had red and white hair that was splitted evenly, a scar on his left eye and had heterocromatic eyes. This might be endeavour's sons if I'm correct.

"Uhm sorry to ask but are you endeavour's son ?" i asked with a little fear in my voice.
He just gave me a blank stare and simply walked away. Well that was rude but i should respect his privacy, I entered the cafe.

A few moments later and i got the beans and i was heading to the beach to try and see the view. As soon as i arrived i saw a huge pile of trash covering up the view, i frowned and went down the steps towards the beach. This place is messy i should clean this up but i don't have my gloves with me i thought as i went back up the stairs. Me being distracted again, i bumped into another guy, "Ah, so-" i interrupted myself as i looked at the boy. This guy again!?, "you again ?" he said with an annoyed expression.

"Sorry !, im just really clumsy" i said as i rubbed the back of my head awkwardly.
"It seems you are" He huffed in annoyance and walked away.

Shoot !, thats the direction towards my apartment, oh god this is gonna be awkward, i thought as i followed the boy, he acknowledged my presence and turned around.

"Why are you following me ?" he said as he furrowed his eyebrows at me.
"I'm j-just going to the direction of my a-apartment" gah !, I'm stuttering, I'm so awkward around people !, he just gave a 'hmph' and turned back to walk.

We walked in silence until i decided to break it. "S-So um whats your name ?" i asked, panicking slightly. There was silence for awhile until he answered.
"Shoto todoroki" he said without turning to me. "U-Uh nice to meet you !, I'm Y/N Ackerman" i extended my hand for a handshake but he stayed silent.

I hope he's not mad or anything, I thought until he asked me a question.

"What's your quirk ?" he looked at me.
"O-Oh um, i can harden my skin with crystals" i demonstrated by making my knuckles crystallized. "I can also m-make objects or weapons out of it" I pulled out a crystal arrow and gave it to him.

He looked a bit surprised and shocked at the same time. "Beautiful" was all he said. His compliment made my face flush in red. "A-Ah, t-thanks, w-what's your quirk ?"
"I can make ice on my right side and emit fire from my left" He said and demonstrated his ice while i looked at him in awe.
"Wow ! Thats amazing Todo-chan and my crystals look like your ice !"
"Todo-chan ?" he looked at me with a confused expression.
"Yeah, Todo-chan my nickname for you, do you like it ?" I asked.
He just scoffed while i giggled. We continued to talk and i was asking alot of question to which he doesn't mind to answer, How did he get that scar on his face ?, I thought, i wanted to ask how but i fear its very personal for him, Well prepare my funeral.

"Ne Todo-chan, how did you get that scar on your eye ?" I asked, he flinched at the question and i started to get worried.
"A-Ah, did i make you uncomfortable ? I'm s-so sorry you don't need to answer" i waved my hands infront of me, frantically.

Todoroki POV

Should i tell her ? She seems like someone i can trust, I thought. "N-No, it's fine and i got this scar from my mother" i said stuttering at the start, she looked at me with a shocked expression on her face.

"W-What ?, why would she do that !?"
"Ackerman-san, have you ever heard of quirk marriages ?" She nodded a yes.
I told her all about my childhood, how i was trained brutally, how i was separated from my siblings and how my father drove my mother insane and sent her to a hospital. Ackerman-san let out a few tears as i was telling the story about my childhood.

"T-That's quite mean of him T-Todo-chan" she said as she wiped a few tears away.
"Since then, i pledged myself to not use my left side, i will never give him the satisfaction of me using his power" I finished as she stopped in her tracks.
"Is something wrong ?" I asked
"T-Todo-chan, you can't be a hero with using half of your power" what she said made me quirk a brow while she continued.
"Your father doesn't define your power Todo-chan, only you do.. You're the one who defines and shapes it, not anyone else" she clasped my hands with hers.

"And you won't become anything like him Todo-chan, you're gonna be an amazing hero and person" She finished and smiled sweetly at me with her eyes closed. I was absolutely speechless and i felt my cheeks flush red by our contact and how she smiled at me. she's right, but I'm still not sure about this, i thought while she continued to walk and i followed.

A few moments later and we stopped by her apartment complex which looks decent. We said our goodbyes and gave each other our phone numbers.

I laid down on my bed (rather floor) trying to sleep but i can't get what she said out of my head. My power huh ?, Y/N Ackerman, you are one peculiar person, I thought while i pictured her in my mind, I felt my face heat up at the thought and soon slept.


"Ughhhh" I groaned as i laid on the couch.
"Anything happen today Y/N ?" Shota said as he opened the bag of coffee beans.
"Yeah i met this guy and he seems like a pretty cool person !" My frustrated expression turned into a happy one.
"Oh ?, When's the wedding ?" He smirked at me while i flushed deep red.
"N-No its not anything like that baka !, w-we just met !" I exclaimed while i threw one of the couch pillows at Shota. He dodged the pillow and threw it right back at me.

"Alright then, I can wait" he said as he sat down next to me, while i was covering up my face in embarrassment.
"shotaaaaaaa..." I groaned while i tugged the sleeve of his sweater.

Shoto todoroki,
you are one interesting person

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