Chapter 16

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Class hours have ended and everyone was packing up for the day. The moment the door opened, several eyes were laid on us. Seems like a bunch of students from different classes came to scout out the competition or so what Bakugou-kun said.

"No point though, now move it extras" Nice one Bakugou-kun. Now everyone's targeting us. "You can't go off calling people you don't know 'extras!'" Tenya-kun's robotic gestures were out again.

I only sighed. I'm not dealing with this today, now that we have a big target painted right on our backs. "It's true we came to look, but you sure are modest" A voice from the crowd spoke up. Unbeknownst to me, an old friend was coming through. "Are all the students in the hero course like this?" The figure stood right infront of bakugou. Indigo hair and eyes deprived of sleep just like Shota.

"Hi Hitoshi!" I waved.
"Y/N? You're in this class?"

I nodded my head in a reply. I don't know when was the last time we've seen each other but I'm glad to see Hitoshi here. The others asked me if I knew him and of course I did. Hitoshi continued talking about how general education students could transfer to the hero course after the events of the sports festival. He added too that he's declaring war on us, which is something that isn't good.

A class B student also declared war, Tetsutetsu I think was his name. All of the first years from other classes will be gunning for us now. But hey it's an added challenge.

Shoto soon went home without me due to Shota's injuries, I have to help him with extra school work. The quiz papers were... How should I say this? Absolutely ridiculous!

Everyone's got stupid but funny answers. I was laughing my heart out until Shota stared  an intimidating glare.

"S-Sorry I-I can't, pffffffffttt" I continued laughing but now my stomach was starting to hurt. I was now rolling on the floor with hands on my stomach, clenched as hard as possible.

"D-Do y-y-you really handle all of this w-without laughing?!"
"Wh-why?! Hahaha"
"I've been working here for years and my nerves are steeled, so sorry to disappoint" He sighed.

Another hour past, the room filled my laughter and snorts. We finally went home at 8 PM. I immediately took off onto my room. My jaw hurts.. Great.

'The laughter was too much' I slinked down the bed. Since there was nothing going on for the next 2 weeks and I would start training tomorrow, I'll finish up volume.10 of F/M.

2 hours passed with me reaching volume.19 in a long pace. My phone ringed with silhouette playing in the back. I jogged and answered the phone call.

"To~do~ro~ki~kun" I sang out.
"Good Evening Y/N. Are you home yet?' He asked.
"Yup. Stomach's a bit of a pain though" I chuckled.
"Hmm? Are you sick? Did a villain attack? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine you worrywat"

Our conversation lingered on for an hour or two until I felt sleepy. Before I could set my phone Shoto asked if I was doing something tomorrow. I could already see what he was going with.

"Ara~Ara, Is Shoto Todoroki asking me on a date?" I playfully stated.
"Hmph, yes"
"I'd love too! I guess I'll make it at... Tomorrow noon? Is that okay?"

We agreed to meet at a certain coffee shop at 12'o clock noon. I set my phone down on the table and rubbed my eyes in frustration. better get ready for tomorrow

The next day.

Wallet, check.
Money, check.
Confidence, check.

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