Chapter 3

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"You ready Y/N ?" Shota asked while i was tying my shoes.
"Ready as I'll ever be" I replied back.

Today was the day of the entrance exam, since i was a recommended student i would be taking a different course than the other students. The recommendation exam will consist of a written test, practical test and an interview. I quickly said bye to Shota and entered the designated area for recommended students. I scanned the surroundings and it was a decent looking room with nothing too flashy. My eyes landed on a certain red and white haired boy.

I carefully approached him from behind and covered his eyes with my hands.
"Guess who ?" i said, giggling a bit.
He sighed and turned to me "Nice to see you here, Y/N" Todo-chan said.

Over the past 10 months, me and Todo-chan have gotten closer and did training together. I helped him out in his quirk and pointed him out in unnecessary movements and how to control his ice better. he's still not using his fire side even though i encouraged him alot of times. Since Todo-chan relies on his quirk too much, i helped him in hand to hand combat incase we were in a close range battle, so far he's been doing great, but he's still a novice at it.

"All right now that everyone is here we can begin the exam !" A familiar voice ringed through my ear, Midnight to be specific. "Nemuri-chan !" I exclaimed and ran up to hug her, she seemed surprised to see me and returned the hug, "Y/N !?, It's been awhile since I've seen you !, why didn't your brother tell me that you would be here !?" She said the last line angrily.
"Ne onee-chan said it would be a surprise for everyone" i rubbed the back of my head. All the examinees seemed confused at what just occurred.

Nemuri-chan told me to take a seat and soon we began our written exam.


"All right, time's up !" Nemuri-chan exclaimed as we put our pens down.
I let out a sigh of relief and took a 5 minute break, i decided to talk to todoroki.

"Todo-chaaaaan" i groaned.
"Hmm ?"
"How was the test for you ?" i asked.
"It was.. Enlightening" I tilted my head in confusion at what he just said.

A few minutes later, nemuri-chan came back and told us to head to course B for our practical test. As soon as we arrived my eyes landed on the huge course that was infront of us. "Woah, this place looks like a water park !" I exclaimed with sparkled eyes.

"ALL RIGHT EXAMINEES TIME FOR THE PRACTICAL !" I turned my head to the voice and smiled widely.
"Yamada-kun !" He acknowledged me and raised his hand for a high five.
"Yo Y/N ! how's it been ?"
"Nothing much yamada-kun" He ruffled my hair and told me to go in place
"How many Teachers do you know here ?" Todo-chan asked.
"All of them !" I replied happily.

Yamada-kun explaines that the practical will consist of a 3 kilometer marathon and that we would be able to use our quirks to get to the finish line.

I was placed with todo-chan and a tall buzzed haired boy. "Do your best you guys !" i said, smiling at the males. "YOU TOO !" The buzzed haired boy replied while Todo-chan did his regular 'Hm's. The horn sounded, indicating the start of the test.

Todo-chan used his ice to slide across the field while the tall boy used wind to traverse the field, a wind quirk ?, I thought while running. Since my quirk wasn't best suited to this situation i just used my speed to get to the line.

I finished 1st by a hair due to tall boi's wind quirk while Todo-chan finished 3rd.
"WOAH YOU WERE SUPER FAST ! WHAT'S YOUR QUIRK !?" He asked enthusiastically.
"Oh uhm i wasn't using my quirk" I said awkwardly while he jaw dropped.
"Shut up !" Todo-chan interrupted him angrily, me and the tall boy flinched at his tone.
"Ill be fine if i simply passed the test, its not like I'm competing or anything !" He walked away shortly after that.

I was stunned by his actions. I haven't seen Todo-chan be that annoyed before. "Ah !, I'm really sorry about him !" i bowed to the boy. "No it's fine" he said with a sad tone
"I'm Y/N Ackerman by the way" i extended my hand as he accepted it. "Inasa yoarashi"
"Uhh, nice to meet you yoarashi-kun, now i gotta go check up on Todo-chan, it was nice meeting you !" i said while waving my hand bye and running towards Todo-chan.

The test was over in a flash and i ranked first place, We did the interview shortly and quickly finished it. Shota said that he would be home late and told me to go in advance, i saw Todo-chan at the school gate on his phone and quickly rushed to him. I tapped his shoulder and looked at him with an angry expression.

"What the heck was that Todo-chan? You could have been nicer!" I pouted.
"Sorry Y/N, he was just too enthusiastic and loud" he said while rubbing his temple.
"Try to be nicer next time okay?" I sighed as i walked with him to the station.


A week has passed since me and Todo-chan got accepted to U.A And next week was the start of school. I was humming the song 'love deterrence' as i was finishing up a drawing that i was working on for a week. I was on the roof at the time and the sun was about to set, I was drawing about my hero costume and how the design would shape out. My hero outift was a full on black ensemble for stealth and day time fighting at the same time. My upper body consists of a black skintight sleeved shirt underneath a modified lightweight body designed for protection against sharp objects and for maintaining my speed without the armor slowing me down while my lower body consists of a black waistcloth and pants fitted with knee-length boots (Basically the new survey corps uniform in the manga).

Gotta send a registration form before U.A starts, I thought before finishing up my work and staring into the clouds. That cloud looks like a bird, "Y/N !" Shota called out. "Get inside quick" i nodded and stood up from my spot. Gonna miss the days of staying in home all day, i looked up towards the clouds before going back inside.

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