Chapter 2

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I sat on the couch, switching channels as i had nothing to do. Shota told me that he would be on a mission on the northern part of japan leaving me alone in our apartment room. I groaned in boredom as i was heading towards the kitchen to hoard the fridge.

My phone rang out, slightly startling me as i checked who the caller was. Todo-chan, i accepted the phone call.

"Hiya Todo-chan !" I hummed.
"Uh, hello Ackerman-san"
"No need for formalities Todo-chan, you can just call me Y/N!"
"Okay then Y/N... "
"So what are you calling for ?" i asked.
"Ah right, what school are you applying to ?"
"U.A of course !"
"I see... would you like to train with me ?" He asked.

I thought about it for awhile until i answered a yes. Todo-chan then told me to meet him near a forest not too far from my apartment complex. I quickly changed up in a training attire and exited my apartment complex.


Todoroki POV

I arrived shortly at the entrance of the forest that me and Y/N were gonna train in and quickly entered it. When i was a child, i found this forest after running away from one of my father's training sessions. It was so peaceful and quiet here, that i grew attached to it.

I sat down on one of the logs and admired the view. A few minutes passed and i received a text from Y/N saying that she was at the entrance of the forest. I got up and started heading my way there. The birds chirped and leaves rustled as i was walking on the pathway, it was very peaceful.

I spotted Y/N and called out to her.
"Oh, Hi Todo-chan!" she waved and started running towards me.

She was wearing a very... Interesting outfit for training. She looks so cute, wait what am i thinking ? I just met her !, My face heated up at the thought but i quickly shook it off.

"Wow, this place looks cool!" She exclaimed.
"Yeah it is, now follow me"
"Alright!" was all she said.

We walked our way towards the middle of the forest, as i admired the sounds.

"I can see why you chose this place Todo-chan!, its very beautiful" she spoke up
"Yeah it is, i found this place when i was younger and I've been coming here if i was stressed or just to admire the view" she softly chuckled.
"What's funny ?" i asked
"Its just that you look intimidating and expressionless but on the inside you're a soft guy Todo-chan" she said, smiling.

I turned my head away and had a small smile plastered on my face. She was right... kind of. Since i had a rough childhood i started becoming more like my old man. But what Y/N said to me last week made me change my point of view.

We arrived shortly at the middle of the forest which had a huge circular space perfect for training. We started stretching to get ready, but i couldn't help but look at Y/N while stretching, She had a really nice body but she had a 4 or 3 medium sized scars littered on her back. When and how did she get those ?, I thought while i continued to observe her and blushed at the earlier thought.

She caught me looking and her face erupted in a blush while i felt my cheeks heat up.

"E-Eh, Todo-chan why were you looking a-at me ?, I'm not really c-confident with my body you know" she rubbed the back of her head awkwardly. "What do you mean ?, you're perfect" What i said made her cheeks redden more. I was initially confused at first until i realized what i said. I turned my head in embarrassment before i told her that we can start now.

"All right!, so what are we gonna start with?" She asked.
"Hmm... Quirk training"

She nodded and went to the opposite side of where i was standing. We began as i sent a wave of ice towards her but when it reached her, she wasn't in place anymore.
What ?, where did she ?, I scanned my surroundings but i soon felt my whole body on the floor.

Warrior | Todoroki x reader (Discontinued. Remake Indefinite)Where stories live. Discover now