Chapter 19

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"I AIN'T LETTING YOU GET AWAY THAT EASY, HALF 'N' HALF!!" I heard a person yell, Katsu-nii of course.

They're catching up fast, but there's only few of them. What the hell did Shoto do? The peppermint male soon catched up to me, freezing everything behind him. I looked back, and saw the doorway frozen entirely. Shoto didn't seemed fazed that most of our classmates escaped his icy trap. I'm impressed that even some of the other classes managed to avoid it.

My hearing senses increased, troubling me for what the first obstacle of the race is. Robots are in the upcoming path, so I need to structure a weapon in advance. Mineta was starting to get closer to us, nearing for an attack. Luckily one of those robots took care of hi- wait what? Robots?? Already?!

I stopped in my tracks, Shoto doing the same. This isn't good, our pause is giving the other students a chance to catch up.

"EVERY OBSTACLE RACE NEEDS AN OBSTACLE. STARTING WITH A ROBO INFERNO!!!" Yamada-kun exclaimed. So these are the zero pointers? I've seen bigger robots.

"So these are the faux villains they used for everyone else's test?" Shoto mumble.
"Yup." I sighed.
"Where did they even get the money for these?" It's a rich school Yao-momo.

I looked to Shoto, who just nodded. We already know what we'd do even if we don't communicate, simply by body posture and facial expressions. I structured two crystal swords and stood in front of shoto. Levi does this all the time when he's fighting, I can do the same.. Probably.

"Now!!" With that said, Shoto's ice elevated me high into the air, while he freezed the ground where the zero pointers stood in. At a high vantage point, I jumped down and turned my body sideways, here goes nothing. I held one sword backhanded, spinning in the air, striking down the zero pointer and cutting it in half as if it was paper.

My head started getting dizzy. How the hell does Levi handle the G-force and the acceleration?!

"Kinda wish they'd prepare something more threatening." Shoto sent a large ice attack from the ground up, freezing one of the zero pointers in place. "Especially since dear old dad is watching." He muttered. He still has problems with his father, it's best I don't meet him during the festival. He might ask me to manipulate Shoto, and I don't wanna do something like that to my pepperminted boyfriend.

With that out of my mind temporarily, I launched myself towards the other zero pointers, penetrating the metallic armor with ease. I took down 3 zero pointers in a full straight line, an amazing feat for other people but not for me.

The incoming zero pointer came crashing down on me, as I took down it's legs. I thought I was gonna get crushed but alas my hero came and freezed the robot.

"Don't be so reckless Y/N." Shoto said as he continued running.
"Yeah, yeah I know."


"POWER COUPLE?!?!" A number of students shouted in surprise.

Son of a — Shota must have told Yamada-kun. Murder will be committed as soon as I'm done with this sports festival.

"It looks like they know now."
"It was gonna get found out eventually!"
"I'm glad." I glanced at the Bi-colored male in confusion. "They know you're mine now." He looked at me, a small smile growing on his face. I burned in response, cocky bastard.

Shoto and I kept running, avoiding robots, other obstacles. The others were catching up with haste. This isn't good, they're gonna interfere with us to slow us down. "We need to hurry up.." I mumbled. "Agreed."

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