Chapter 15

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(A/N: Sorry for the late update fam! I'm currently in the middle of something. Now, due to the corona virus, my school closed early this year which means I finally get more time to write. But the corona virus also affected me a lot with the current problems happening with the pandemic. I hope y'all are staying safe inside your homes and all! Love you guys and thanks for 3k like holy crap. Enjoy the new chapter!)


3 days since the USJ attack and 2 days since I've been dismissed from the hospital. Today, the suspension had been lifted which is great and all but I really need some rest due to my medical treatment wearing me down. My doctor told me that I needed to stay an extra week for stamina recovery but I won't let a problem like that make me miss out some training and school... and probably the new volume of F/M coming out. Really wanted some sleep though.

"Bye" I said to no one and twisted the key, locking the door. An hour before school. Much earlier than my usual time but Todo-chan rescheduled my regular dates since my injuries are still affecting my abilities.

Speaking of Todo-chan, a certain male was waiting for me downstairs just right near the entrance. My lips immediately curved into a smile.

Todo-chan seemed to notice me, to which I responded with a short wave. Never knew an aloof and anti social boy's smile was really bright.

I ran up to him.

"Morning Todo!" I happily gushed.
"Good morning Y/N.. Sleep well?"
"Not really" I muttered.

We had a short talk about my medications and schedule before shortly continuing our walk towards the station. Since my injuries are still in affect, I walked with a short limp. Throughout the whole walk, I was on Todo's back after he asked if i needed some help. Of course I refused since it's embarrassing but before I could protest, he just lifted me up and placed me behind him. Damn this short height!

**✿❀ ❀✿**

"Alright can you please put me down now!" I begged.
"Does it still hurt?"
"I'll take that as a yes" He chuckled.

I groaned in frustration but was genuinely happy of his thoughtfulness.

U.A was nearing and I didn't want any of our classmates seeing us like this! It's just really really embarrassing. But I got a few minutes to ask something before we get there.

There's been a question on my mind ever since we had that... Kiss in my hospital room. Then I was instantly met with a replay of what occured inside my head like a movie reel.

I felt my face instantly flush in deep red as I hid it just behind Todo-chan's nape.

"Warm.." He simply said.

Before I could speak, we arrived at U.A before I even knew it. I was dazed how we got here in an instant. Maybe I'm starting to get ignorant.

**✿❀ ❀✿**

"So Tsu... Who do you think is gonna teach homeroom today?" I heard Mina ask.
"Well.. Aizawa-sensei's suppose to be in the hospital, recovering" Are you sure about that?

The door opened with a loud thud. Shota entered in with a bunch of medical tapes covering both his face and arms. Now this is gold. He looks like a mummy.

"I'm glad you're alright sensei!"
"You call that 'alright'?"

I chuckled after hearing that.

Of course, Shota said he was fine and all and wanted to tell us the sports festival is coming right up. Normally schools would postpone an event like this if they got attacked just like us but Shota refuted with the school saying that we won't back down from an attack and that they would beef up security.

"This happens only once a year.. So you've got 3 chances. An aspiring hero can't hope to miss this event! If you understand that then don't slack off on your preparations!" Shota motivated.

"Yes sensei!"

Shortly after, a handful of my classmates came up to my desk. "Uh... Hi?" As soon as I said that, a bunch of them started asking for my help for training simultaneously. I couldn't help them all individually so instead, we'd be doing joint training during those 2 weeks. I should probably ask an extra training partner though. Ah! I know just the girl!

"Thanks Y/N-chan!" Kiri-san exclaimed.
"No problem!" I smiled.

Oh yeah it's lunch!

I rummaged through my bag to find my bento box. Nothing! I forgot it at home. My hard workkk, I groaned.

"Sorry Todo-chan, I forgot our lunches back at my house"
"Oh it's no trouble at all. We can get food in the cafeteria"
"I forgot my wallet too"
"I can pay for you" My ears perked up.
"Really?! Thanks Todo!"

Whew! At least I won't rummage through my fridge when I get home.

Suddenly, I saw Toshi-san appear out of nowhere, right in front of Izu. I only heard bits of chatter but I'm pretty sure Toshi-san wants Izu to eat with him at the teacher's lounge. "Have you seen Y/N?" He asked.

"Hey!" I yelled across.
"Ah! There you are young Ackerman! May I chat with you too?"
"Errr... Sorry Toshi-san but I'm heading to the cafeteria. Maybe later?"
"I see! Enjoy your lunch you love birds!" He exclaimed before disappearing with Izu.

Love birds?!, My face burned. That idiot!

Trying to ignore the comment, I took Todo's hand and rushed to the cafeteria. In a few minutes, we already arrived earlier than others. "Warn me before you do that" Todo frowned.

Other students started lining up in a short while. Ochaco-chan and Tenya-kun were here too and their conversation caught my interest.

"Wonder what he wants with Deku-kun"
"I heard Midoriya dashed in to help All might when he was attacked. Maybe it's about that?"

I don't think so Tenya-kun

"And like Asui mentioned, they have similar super strength. Perhaps All might has taken a liking to him" Oh shit.

I looked back to Todo-chan, who seemed to be listening as well. Great, now he's suspicious about Izu, jeez what do I do?

Finally it was our turn to get our food served. I instantly ordered F/F and soba. Surprisingly, Lunch rush had already prepared our food. Heck, what do you expect from the cook hero?

"Thanks Lunch rush!"

He replied with a thumbs up. Cool dude.

"Todo, you wanna eat on the rooftop?" I suggested to divert his attention.

We reached the top shortly and began munching on our food. I had barely touched mine though. Now's the time to ask it. Well here it goes. I took a deep breath until he commented.

"No offense to lunch rush.. But I like your soba better" He continued to slurp.
"Th-Thanks" I stammered.

Todo already finished and just looked at me with a confused expression.

"Is there something wrong Y/N?"
"WhatamItoyou? I blurted out.

I tried to regain my composure. But why am I nervous from this simple question?

"What am I to you?"

More Silence....

Well, time for evasive actions!

"Someone who I want to spend the rest of my life with" I was flabbergasted, never expected he'd answer.
"I feel complete whenever I'm with you. I wanna see your smile, laugh or just you being cute all the time."

I hummed softly, my lips lifting upwards. I guess I've never been sure with what my feelings were doing with my brain. I looked up to the sky before looking straight into Todo's heterocromatic orbs.

"I love you Shoto" His eyes widened in surprise and happiness. It's the first the I've called him by his first name. I could tell both of us were already as red as a tomato but that didn't matter.

"I love you too Y/N" The only thing that matters is I'm his and only his.

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