Valentine's special💝💝

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Careful... Careful, I thought as i gently poured chocolate mixture on the plastic sheet.

Today's the day, well not just any day but Valentine's day! The special day where people show love, affection and care to one another.

A day where people say cheesy pick up lines and a bunch of overused cliché's to their loved ones. I had lightly chuckled at the earlier thought before placing some cocoa into a small bowl.

It was a school day but ever since I returned from my week-long mission from Italy, U.A granted me a rest just for today.

I snuck into the dorms a few hours earlier during school hours where no one was currently there. I decided to surprise them for later once school had ended.

I had finished rolling and wrapping the chocolates, refrigerating it for half an hour. I launched myself onto the couch in a lazy manner. I browsed my phone for any interesting news, instead looking over memes.

I took the chocolate from the fridge, placing them down on the counter. I unwrapped the chocolate and started thoroughly cutting them into a crosswise, cutting each half lengthwise.

I finished following the remaining steps for this recipe and started with the toppings. A few sprinkles and frostings were placed on the chocolate top. I was worried that i might went overboard with the toppings but at least it'll compensate for the sweet.

I stuffed the fridge full of chocolate for later since the second period had just started for my classmates. I made chocolates for everyone but i saved a special one for my half'n'half boyfriend.


4:32 PM; by now my classmates had finished up the 7th period and were heading back to the domes. I hid in one of the bushes by the courtyard, observing the flooded main entrance. I see some of the boys plopping down on the couch while the rest went up to the kitchen and bathroom.

I was able to hear a bit of the conversation that followed.

"Dang I'm so jealous! Everyone's got dates while I'm over here all alone!" Kaminari sulked.
"Of course, no one would pick a dunce face like you" Jirou snorted.
"Oh come on jirouuuu"
"Wait- you guys smell that?"
"Yeah now that you mention it, smells like chocolate"
"Coming from the kitchen"

The class soon started crowding up the kitchen, the perfect time to make an appearance. I slowly tip toed my way behind the crowd and let out a fake cough.

"Hey guys!" I waved my hand.
"Y/N-Chan!!!" They all said simultaneously.

I was soon overwhelmed with tight hugs and hearty compliments, saying they missed me. Of course they would, i had no phone or device available for communicating with them due to the missions requirements for absolute stealth. I had remembered about the chocolate and the fridge and decided to give it to everyone now.

"What's in the bag Y/N-chan?" Mina asked.
I dropped the bag right on the dining table and speedily arranged them by the alphabetical arrangement of everyone's name.
"Since today's valentines day, i made chocolates for everyone to show my appreciation for every thing you guys done for me!" I smiled.

The class all seemed astounded and speechless.

"Y/N-Chan you're so cute!" Kiri-san jokingly stated.
"Seriously everyone in this class?! You're amazing Y/N-chan!" Ochaco-chan then started hugging me affectionately to which i returned.
"And you couldn't have come at a better time!"
"Eheh, it's no problem at all! Just get the box with your name tagged on it and it should be obvious with the trinkets i decorated on" I motioned to the specifically decorated boxes for each person.

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