Chapter 14

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(A/N: Dang 2K reads already!? You guys are the best thank you so much. I never expected this to hit 2k that fast. Well now enjoy the story. Qmight have made it a bit bad and Todoroki is very OCC but I'll see what I can do with the next chaps)

Todoroki POV

The heroes had finally arrived at the premises, with villains hightailing it out of the USJ as soon as they appeared. My classmates and I could finally rest easy, knowing the situation had been dealt with. Before i could walk away, I felt someone tugging on the hem of my shirt. How could I forget, I internally facepalmed.

"Hey aren't you forgetting someone?!" She angrily pouted. Cute
"Well.. Since my leg's broken and I can't crawl my way to the exit.." She opened her arms wide, averting her head.

I playfully rolled my eyes and hoisted the Injured girl up on my back. She's surprisingly light, Not more than 40 or 45 kilograms.

"You're so light, it's cute" I mumbled. I was waiting for a possible smack on the head or a 'baka' but It never came, instead she wrapped her arms around my neck in a hug, tightening each second. I could feel Y/N's warmth on my back. How do these thin arms have so much strength?

"Y/N?" I shook her arm.
"Mmm.. Todo-chan let me sleep.." She murmured. I let out a soft chuckle before submitting to the request.
"The fact that you're still alive and conscious from these wounds are for the same reason right? Because you're an Ackerman" I sighed.

I continued walking towards the exit and handed Y/N down to the paramedics as soon as i walked out. "Thanks Todo-chan, you're the best" The consciousness and happiness of Y/N brought a smile to my face. 

Our classmates soon surrounded Y/N with praise on how she managed to eliminate most of the villains that were flooding the USJ and some worrying about her current condition. It was good to see that other people care for her as much as she cared for them In such a short time.

"Please don't scare us like that again Y/N-chan!!" Uraraka and Ashido cried.
"That was a lot of manliness shown out there! You're amazing Y/N-chan!" Kirishima exclaimed.

I was watching the scene at a measurable distance, sighing a relief.

I think it's time I told her



With a deep, unconscious sigh, I woke up from a long sleep and jerked up from the bed. The clock striked 11:30 AM, not a good time to wake up.

It's been a day since the attack on the USJ. Due to the villain attack, the school had suspended two days of classes for the security of the students and investigation following why It occured.

Shota and Thirteen were in bad injuries but not life threatening thankfully.

I was currently placed in a hospital for a rapid recovery treatment, since I had torn my leg muscles and broke multiple bones. Not the best situation if I wanna go to the bathroom, since I can't walk really well the following day. Luckily my bloodline's abilities can repair damaged cells quickly and speedily, to my surprise. The only bad part is when I have to drink that gosh darn medicine.

As I was about to stand up, I heard knocks on the door. Who might that be?

"Y/N, mind If I come in?" I recognize that voice.
"N-Not at all!" I stuttered.

The door knob twisted as i drew my breath and the door opened. Entering Todo-chan. 

"Are you all right Y/N?" He questioned, bringing me out of my daze.
"U-Uh yup!"

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