"You were right..." An admission that could have been useful, a few days ago, before the ultimate loss of the passive head of the Martin's household. Now gone, all that was left was his mourning family and a lifetime time of mysteries to uncover. Hings wouldn't be the same, and Kyle's new found guilt, was one of the indications. Guilt creeped up inside her and a feeling of incompetence washed in. She should have been more careful. She could have stopped it, if only she didn't let what Kyle said get to her. Not that she did but she could have handle it better. And in her line of work, there was no room for mistakes.
"Kella..." She got up with a determined force while wearing an encouraging smile.
"I can help." Kyle looked at her then turned to the window, where his eyes had been fixated on. Kella's room though small, had a great view, more like a distraction. "I can help you find the murderer."
"I know someone who can. I can help you get your revenge..." The expression confirmed her suspicions. He didn't believe her. He didn't trust her.
But that wasn't part of the job."Just get ready 8am tomorrow. I'll take you to someone." She gave him one last look, walking out of the room with her hands folded while Kyle stared at her emotionlessly, doubt written all over his face. She's just a kid. Ignore her. She's just growing up. A thought which didn't seem to comforting even though it was all he comforted himself with.
"I'd like you to meet officer Pablo. Pablo, Kyle Martins." Kyle looked around his surroundings. He couldn't believe she brought him to a police station. How could she be involved with them? And what was she doing there anyway? Kella noticed his confusion and held his hand, bringing him back to the conversation.
"Hey, I met him years ago. He's been a very good friend." Oh. No. That's a lie. She sighed, noticing the distrust laced around his eyes.
"I believe we've met before." Kyle looked at Officer Pablo in realization and nodded. "I happened to be there when you got the first indication letter. We were running an investigation at that time."
"You closed the case. I remember. You said it couldn't be solved."
"That was my superior. The case ran into years and he felt the case was a waste of time. But I never stopped trying to solve the case."
Kyle looked between Officer Pablo and Kella who was taking a good look at the surroundings. They were inside Officer Pablo's average sized office, not to big, not to small. But comfortable enough for a chief officer. Different types of chats were all over the wall, most of which includes puzzles on different cases,mand one in particular, caught his attention. He moved closer and Pablo nodded as he did, joking him, on that side of the wall. A list of suspects with some strange reasons why they'd be entangled with the case was planted there.
Kyle felt his list of suspects were bizarre. No one in the list truly had any motives for killing those women, and none of them could have been all over the world, watching his every moves. They had their own lives to live. And he wasn't about to start believing his other and his twin would be capable of causing him so much hurt no matter how grave the reason. Kyle shook his his head in disagreement while Kella watched both of them closely."Look at each of them carefully Kyle. They all had reasons to want him suffering." Kyle gave Pablo a disapproving look as he continued.
"They at some point caused one of those women pain."
Mystery / ThrillerA typical beautiful love story...the family is happy, they are happy, they have everything especially each other...what more could they need?? Kyle Martin is an all rounder charming millionaire who has everything, no unique talents given his all rou...