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"Miss Alicia Stone, you are under arrest for the attempted murder of Mr Skate Lynton. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law." Alicia stared at the officers almost confused but nonetheless showed cooperation by bringing forth her hands as they got cuffed. Images of the night before flashed in her mind and a part of her hoped he was dead. Attempted? No. The bastard survived. As she got dragged out of her office and into the police car while everyone watched, all she could think of was her sister who was going through a psychological trauma. The news of Alicia's arrest spread like fire and it soon got to Lucas Smith and Christina's ears.
Kyle, in the a meeting with foreign investors received the shocking message on his phone as it beeped and he saw the headline news. He excused himself from the meeting, leaving the investors shocked. Gabriel Pearson one of the investor gave a questioning look at the protocols of the company and Kyle ignored him, walking out. The man sighed realizing signing of the contract would be more difficult than planned.

Kyle rushed to Alicia's aid calling one of his personal lawyers. They arrived at the police department and got bail for her from the judge after presenting series of evidence that proved Alicia more victimized. Alicia stared at Kyle as he got all the formalities to get her release official with his lawyer. Once they stepped out of the building, she threw him a hug almost sobbing

"Thank you"

"You don't have to..." Before he could finish the statement she kissed him. At first shocked, he didn't return the kiss, but after a while, he kissed back, surprising her but not so much that they broke the kiss. After enduring not breathing for a while, they finally broke apart, taking deep breathes. "Let's..." Kyle started off first, unsurely. "Let's go home." She smiled at him understanding he didn't want that and just nodded following him as the lawyer led them.

"Wait..." Alicia stopped almost immediately.


"There's something I have to do. I need to report Skate for the rape and attempted murder of my sister, plus causing her post traumatic disorder after her ordeal." Kyle sighed.


"What?" She cut him off then turned to look at the lawyer. "Can you help with that??"

"Sure. So you have prove??" Alicia sighed noddingly.

Christina grew furious when she found out Skate had been arrested and Alicia was released. Renata stared while her mother tried to pull every string she had to get Alicia arrested again.

Alicia and Kyle took Mia to the hospital for more check ups even after he appointment yesterday with the doctor and while more evidence were gathered against Skate, Mia was diagnosed with a severe case of PTSD. The psychiatrist added that she had to be kept on close watch and might have other disorders in addition to her chronic state. Alicia compose herself as best she could as she watched the doctor look at Mia for more symptoms.

Her expressions rendered Kyle discouraged from his thought of comforting her. He looked at Mia who looked scared of him and more broken than he'd last seen her. Anger boiled under his skin as the images flashed back and he made a promise to himself to make Skate pay for what he did to her.

Given Mia's condition, Skate's case was fast tracked and soon presented in court. Alicia, Kyle and the distraught Mia were key players in making sure Skate got a minimum of 10 years imprisonment. Christina's hatred towards Alicia grew, who didn't give a damn, while Renata stared on mutely, and Christina's anger towards Kyle increased and Kyle feigned ignorance as he walked out hand in hand with Alicia while the nurses assisted Mia. Alicia turned to look at Skate emotionlessly, satisfied as he looked at them with pure rage.

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