Unraveled Ends

151 8 43

⚠️Trigger warnings are the same, I'm going to stop putting them unless something changes. ⚠️

You woke up to your alarm blaring and quickly shut it off, ready to head to another busy and tiring day of work.

You hadn't been able to sleep well last night, haunted by the things you read about the different gangs in Busan that could be after you. Honestly, you were terrified and maybe even going out of your mind because of it.

You groaned and tried to rub the sleep out of your eyes, staggering out of bed and into your bathroom.

You took a cold shower and splashed water on your face, trying to wake up.

Coffee it is.

You dressed into your business clothes quickly so that you would have time to make yourself some coffee in the kitchen later.

After you had satisfied yourself with a substantial mug of hot caffeine, you exited your apartment and boarded the bus to head to what would probably be a long day at work.

As you walked on to the bus, you were surprised to see Jungkook sitting in the back. Him and Taehyung hadn't shown up to work for most of the week, and you were excited to have friends again.

Should I go sit with him? Will he even want me there?

You came to the conclusion that he was probably tired, and didn't want you there. But as you were walking to a different seat, he noticed you and called you over.

You pretended to be surprised and shocked like you just noticed him too, and quickly went over to sit next to him.

"Where were you?" you asked, casually.

"I went on a business trip with a couple other workers," he explained, fiddling with a clasp on his briefcase, "nothing unusual."

"Oh cool," you replied, "where'd you go?"

"Uhm just another company in the area," he said, nervously.

"Okay," you said, thinking he was just having a hard time thinking because it was early in the morning.

The rest of the ride was silent and kind of awkward. You had no clue what initiated that mood, but you had a feeling it was about the business trip. Maybe things had gone wrong.

It's none of my business anyway.

You smiled when you realized you could just ask Yoongi. Most of his cold demeanor had faded away when he was around you lately. You could see him trying to keep it up, but for the most part, he was failing.

The bus pulled up in front of the building, and you and Jungkook climbed out.

You said goodbye to him in the lobby, just like you had the first day you started working here. You smiled fondly at the memory. It seemed like such a long time ago, but in reality, it had only been a week.

Before heading up to Yoongi's office, like you normally did every morning, you spotted Taehyung in the corner of the lobby, looking at something on his phone.

Smiling, you approached him.

"What are you looking at?" you asked, peeking over his shoulder at his phone.

He yelped, and shut off his phone before you could see anything.

"Nothing," he muttered, "just boring business stuff."

He stuffed his phone in his pocket and smiled at you.

"What were you doing sneaking up on me, huh?" he teased, "Don't you know that's scary?"

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