Play Pretend

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My roomate's my boss?

Your eyes widened as you looked into his beautiful ones, but he didn't look surprised. He was probably the one that hired you, after all.

But why in the world would he hire his roommate as his assistant? Everyone knows not to combine personal life with work.

"Are you shocked, miss?" Yoongi asked, raising his eyebrows at your obviously shocked state.

"No," you lied, "maybe a little bit."

"Why is that?" he asked, feigning innocence.

"Uhm," you said, "because I know you. And actually, I live-"

Before you could finish your sentence, Yoongi ran up to you and clasped his hand over your mouth, pushing you against the wall.

His face was close to yours, and his eyes pierced into yours.

In other words, your personal space was screaming.

He stayed like that for at least two minutes and you felt your body begin to panic. Tears formed in your eyes, and it became too hard to breathe. He was just too close.

Finally, it seemed, Yoongi pulled away from you and walked back to his desk, leaning against it.

Furiously, you tried to blink the tears out of your eyes, and panted to catch your breath.

"Miss y/n," Yoongi said, smirking while tapping his fingers on his desk, "I believe we have some ground rules and precautions to go over, before I give you your first assignment."

You stared down at your feet, and fidgeted with them.

How the hell am I supposed to work with this jerk?

"First," he said, crossing his arms, "you will not bring up your personal life here. In other words, no one will know of our living situation. Then, they will make up nasty rumors, that you don't want. The reason I stopped you talking in here, is because there are plenty of people in this business who would love to see my downfall. And those rumors I mentioned could help that."

Still staring at the ground, you nodded your head. You knew business was a tough and competitive field, but you couldn't help and wonder who would want to bring down their boss. It just seemed a bit dramatic to you.

"Second," Yoongi said, "you will look at me when I talk to you. It suggests respect, and you will do that not only when you talk to me, but when you talk to anybody else in this business."

You quickly jolted your head up and looked at his face. You made certain to avoid his eyes though.

"That's better," he said, and you focused on the spot right below his eye, "third, listen to anything else I say."

You nodded your head again. Looking at him was getting awkward. Why look at him, when you could look at a perfectly good floor?

But he had only given you three rules, and if you broke any of them, you risked getting fired. If you were fired, you didn't think any other companies would want you, even if it was just because you were looking at the floor.

Great, I'm overthinking it.

"Well, now that we're on the same page," Yoongi said, turning around and fiddling with some papers on his desk, "do you know how to enter a file into one of our computers?"

Hidden Meaning | Min Yoongi Where stories live. Discover now