Two Shots (Part 2)

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Yoongi POV

Everything had been going well. With Jungkook's amazing combat skills, him distracting most of the fighters, and every one else shooting out from behind cover, you were able to start inching your way to the door.

Taehyung came with you and Hoseok helped Jungkook distract other fighters away from you and Taehyung. It was never officially decided that this was how it was going to be, but that's just how things worked out.

You punched a man to the ground and the door came into view, its handle within reach.

"Don't let them in!" someone shouted, and blocked out the door.

You clicked your tongue and immediately lunged forward to fight him.

He blocked your first punch, but you already knew he would and quickly threw in one with the other hand. It hit his face and he fell to the ground. You shot your gun and he was gone.

It still hurt to kill people, but right now you had no choice. If you didn't push through this crowd, then Y/n would be dead. That's just the way it was.

Now the path to the doorway was clear. You sprinted towards it, your hand reached to the handle, Taehyung guarding you from behind.

You grabbed it and felt the cool, straight piece of metal underneath your fingers.

"GO!" Taehyung shouted, shooting someone running at full speed towards the both of them.

You looked behind you, to nod at Taehyung, but your eyes widened when you saw something else. You knew Taehyung had seen it too, because there were tears in his eyes, but he was more focused on getting into that room.

Hoseok's body lay broken on the floor, and Jungkook was sprawled on top of him, crying. Jungkook wasn't one to show his feelings, so seeing that hurt like hell, and it obviously hurt that Hoseok was gone.

Hoseok, your childhood friend, the boy who lived next door, your sister's boyfriend. Hoseok, the ray of sunshine and always the light to your dark, no matter how dark it was. Hoseok was gone.

You saw Jin pull Jungkook up and embrace him in a hug. Then, Jungkook took out his dagger and started fighting again.

How? How does he fight, when what we were fighting for is partly gone? How?

Your eyes shifted to his and he locked in eye contact. His eyes burnt with emotion and after years of living with him, you understood.

Go and make it count.

You shook the thoughts away and nodded firmly. You could worry about that later. You all still had something to fight for.

You twisted the handle and walked through the door, Taehyung close behind you.


Your POV

You could hear sounds from outside. Loud bangs, gunshots, people screaming, it sounded like a living hell.

In truth, it terrified you. Sent shivers down your spine and made you heart cold and frozen. But a tiny part of you also felt relieved, because you knew what it was.

So you focused on the relieved part and felt the fear slowly melt away. You paid more attention to your surroundings, knowing that no one was getting out of here without you playing your part.

Yoongi's father, along with three other men who you guessed were members of his gang, had come in through a back door to guard you personally.

It kind of flattered you to get this attention, until you remembered it was because they wanted to kill you.

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