Day 23: The One Regret I Have Now

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Chapter Twenty Three

I am a really nice and friendly person. But I work a lot and never really interact with my neighbours. It has always been a hi-bye relationship. But I can see that they are all good people. Even the extremely judgemental Mrs Martin. Today, I am going to bake cookies and make chocolates for my neighbours.

The entire loft building has only twelve households, six on each side. Whenever someone moves out or moves in, we would host a mini buffet party for all twelve households. Most of the time, I try to make it and bring my mum's cooking.

I have already announced to the landlord that I will be moving out soon. Well, 'moving out'. Mr John, being the fantastic landlord that he is, he told the party committee and they were planning a farewell buffet for me.

I barely manage to stop it. I don't think I can handle explaining the reason I am 'moving out' to eleven other households. In exchange, I told them I will make cookies and chocolates for them.

I went to the supermarket yesterday after leaving Mandy's house to get all the ingredients I need. I bake all the time with Callie and Newton. I think today is going to be really easy without two kids trying to throw flour at each other.

Let's do some simple mathematics. Eleven households. Four people in each household on average. If each person eats about five cookies and five chocolates, it means two hundred and twenty cookies and two hundred and twenty chocolates. Oh boy, let's get cracking.

I spend seven hours baking. By the time I was done, it was already 4pm. My kitchen is in a gigantic mess and I am covered in flour and chocolate. I use another two hours packing up cookies and chocolates in boxes and ribbons I bought online.

After I was done, I started writing little notes and stick them on the boxes. I looked down at all eleven boxes and saw that it was 8pm. A perfect time for some dessert after dinner.

I went loft to loft and rang the doorbell. I handed out boxes to them and they all thanked me for being such good neighbour. Well, except Mrs Martin. Not surprised. I had small talks with each of them and realised that it really has been a while since I been to those buffet party.

Mr Smith's son passed his bar exam and is now a lawyer. Mdm Chow recently got a new boyfriend. Angela signed a contract with a recording studio to become a singer three months ago. Dylan got two more rescue dogs.

I went down to the first floor of the building and gave some cookies and chocolate to Mr John. I thank him for literally being the best landlord ever and went back to my loft. I cleaned up my kitchen and lay down on my couch, exhausted. I look at Bean.

"If there's one regret I have now, it is not spending more time in my community."



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