20. I'd Have You Anytime

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The filming all seemed to blur together as the next few days passed, and before I knew it we were done. It had been a cycle of George making an effort to make it up to me, but frankly I was a hormonal mess. I did my best to conceal it for him when we were on the bus, but everything was eating away at me, especially when I saw Maureen. I was beginning to wonder if I could ever put this past me.

Ringo however seemed to take this better than I, as he and Maureen were acting as if nothing happened at all.

We had just made it home and I had rushed to take off my shoes, going straight to the bedroom to put my bags away.

"Poppy, did you want to go out for dinner tonight us two? To celebrate?" George appeared in the doorway, glad to be finished filming.

I let out a small sigh before turning to him, a pained look on my face as I was terribly tired.

"I don't think I'm up for it tonight." I shook my head, rubbing a hand over the crook of my neck, watching him nod awkwardly and disappear back into the hallway quickly, causing a pang of guilt to hit my chest.

He's making an effort, and all I could seem to do was push him away, though that was the last thing I wanted to do.

I laid on the bed for a moment, taking in a deep breath, it was good to be back home and done with the movie shooting, I wasn't sure how much longer I could've taken it, I felt like I was suffocating on that bus. This would be good for George and I to relax for awhile before he had to return back to being a Beatle.

I soon felt a higher power drawing me out back to George to see if I could salvage our night guiltily, though I'd turned him down on such a lovely offer.

When I walked back out I saw George clutching on to the kitchen counter as he had his head looking down at his feet, bowing his head. I felt my heart grow heavy as a small sniffle was just barley audible.

"George?" My voice was soft and more pained than I'd intended. He was, weeping.

Quickly, he fixed himself and cleared his throat, wiping his face before looking at me with bloodshot eyes that were glazed over painfully.

"Geo," I became gravely worried as I walked over to comfort him, "what's the matter?" I slid my hand down one of his arms taking ahold of his hand.

He retracted his hand suddenly, startling me.

"Nothing." He said flatly turning his back to me to his face wasn't visible, though I heard the stuffiness of his nose.

"Geo, Talk to me please." I nearly begged reaching for his back, to which he flinched to my touch, shrugging me off.

He turned back around with tears fighting to stay back as I could tell his inner agony was waging a war behind his clouded eyes.

"I think you're aware of what's the matter." He grumbled.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" I was slightly taken aback by his tone.

He turned to face me again, all the pain that was overtaking him visible as his frustration grew.

"I'm starting to think there's nothing I can do to make you trust me again. I have tried to hard to be the perfect husband, really making an honest effort. Poppy, do you even love me anymore?"

"Oh don't be daft Geo-"

"I'm being realistic." He took a step closer, his face twisting solemnly, a grave undertone seeping with his words.

"No you're not because you're making yourself the victim in a situation where you full well should have the blame Geo. So excuse me if I can't seem to cope with the fact that the one man in my life that I thought would never let me down, kissed another woman." My eyes watered furiously but I refused to let my emotions get the best of me as we were face to face, our eyes unmoving from one another's. His eyes were heated with fire after what I said, and I could tell he was finding it harder to keep his control, though he had a look of extreme hurt from my words.

Without skipping a beat I forced my lips to his, hoping desperately that he would do the same. I needed George, and I needed to let him know how much I cared. I loved him.

He took to the kiss instantly, running his hands up to the sides of my face and through my hair, deepening the kiss in a way that shot butterflies in my stomach.

Things began to escalate quickly before George slug my legs around his waist and began to carry me to our bedroom, causing me to giggle in surprise.

"That argument didn't last." George chuckled as I was placing a trace of kisses on his neck.

I laughed, "suppose it didn't." I bit my lip watching his eyes going with mischief as he laid me down on our bed, beginning to unbutton his shirt with haste.

We were then promptly interrupted you the telephone ringing, and we both sighed in annoyance, George throwing his head back in annoyance.

"Stay here." He placed one more kiss on my collar bone before pulling himself up once agin to go get the phone on the nightstand.

I looked up to see him taking a deep breath before picking up the phone.

"Hello, Harrison residence." He said causing me to grin at how unaware he was when it came to his cuteness.

"Cynthia, slow down, what's the matter?" His face contorted with confusion.

"Paul? And Jane?" He tried to repeat her words with confusion.

He put the telephone to his bare chest, "do you speak flustered Cynthia?" He questioned completely unable to understand her.

"I'll have a bash." I smiled getting up to take the phone from George.

"What's wrong Cyn?" I asked airily, unable to think much as George wrapped his arms around me from behind,!hoping to continue the mood.

"Paul-is-going-to-propose-to-Jane-and-we-both-Know-why-that-cannot-happen." She spoke without taking a breath or a pause.

"Oh no." I breathed out unsteadily, causing George to freeze.

"He's been cheating on her every night Pop, he doesn't love her anymore like he used to."

Linda. The name couldn't help but enter my mind.

"I think, I've got a call to make." I bit my lip.

"As long as it doesn't involve telling Jane about Paul's cheating. If I were her, I wouldn't want to know personally."

The irony of her thought was almost humerus.

"Right." I spoke before we hung up and George awaited with baited breath to hear what had happened.

"Paul might propose."

"Well I've been waiting for him to ask, yes, a million times yes." He joked getting a chuckle from me.

"Not if I have anything to say about it." I smirked pushing him back down onto the bed.

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