30. Something

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Late October, 1969.

I looked into the bathroom mirror for the millionth time to fix my makeup, still not quite pleased with my appearance quite yet as I stressed over being on camera.

"You look great.  As always." George said leaning up against the wooden frame of the door with a small cheeky smirk.

"Harrison, flattery will get you everywhere with me." My eyes trailed over to him, returning the small smirk.

"Where's Sammy?" I grinned joyfully, missing him even only being away from him shortly.

"Finally down for a nap, thank god," George sighed out exhaustedly causing me to laugh, "we're about ready to start taping outside." He added, pushing himself up off the door frame.

"I'm ready." I smiled walking over to him, slipping my arms around his back to walk out to the backyard of Kinfaus.

Though I should've been even more upbeat and excited about being part of the promotion video for Something, a song which was so beautifully written about me, I also knew this might possibly be one of the last projects George does as a Beatle.

The Abbey Road album seemed to be the end of the road as far as the boys were concerned, it was an unspoken feeling that it really was the end.

Except, it had been spoken it loud by John, who had just recently filled the others in on his intention to leave the group.

I assumed it was to begin music with Yoko. She had never really taken a liking to me, I could tell, and I her because of Cyn being such a close mate. I visited her and Jules as regularly as I could with Sam, though it's quite hard due to the strain it has seemed to put John and I through.

I just wished above all else he hadn't left Julian.

All the boys had really grown apart from the group, with Ringo having his whole family to take care of and Paul being newlywed with Linda and a new child Mary, it seemed it just wasn't a group anymore.

It was apparent George no longer had interest in the group anymore at all, he had songs upon songs to get out as a solo artist, which he is fully prepared for.

The tension between Paul and I had distanced us for awhile, he slowly fading away into his relationship until he'd broken the engagement off not too soon after he got engaged in the first place.

He'd been caught cheating with Francie Schwartz, who George was quite confident was a toy for Paul to use to try to distract himself for any lingering feelings. Paul had become fairly self destructive around that time, but my theories as to why are mainly surrounding the fact he wanted so badly to keep the band together, but unfortunately he seemed to be fighting an uphill battle.

In any case, whatever mess he'd made by seeing Francie seemed to have helped him move on, right into Linda's arms who I was awed by completely.

They were the perfect match truly, soulmates even. I was glad to see him happy.

As for George and I, we had grown stronger than ever having a son to take care of now. After all that we'd been through after Brian's death, I really thought we wouldn't make it through.

Neil and a few others were the ones behind the cameras that were setup in the yard, making me weary of what I was really getting myself into.

I had tried so desperately to separate Sam and I from George's world of being a Beatle so we could be a somewhat normal family, without the stress of George's public presence.

I was frozen uncomfortably starting at the camera as they got it ready to shoot ta video of me and George close up, George grabbing my hand and giving it a small squeeze.

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