Ch.2 hit it off

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" are you asking to be a third wheel?" Logan said while putting a shirt on.
" umm, no silly I obviously got a date." Rachel responded with tease. " his name is Sebastian he is from your school apparently. He's a junior if maybe you know him."
" Sebastian reeme?" Logan asked.
" yup that's the one!"
" oh he's on the football team. He's a chill guy."
" Is it the one that got in a fight in a game?" I asked Logan. Yes it was him apparently.
We headed out to Logan's car. We were all going to go to the movies together so we picked up Sebastian.
" hey sup guys!" Sebastian greets. He slides into the car and hugs Rachel. " what are we watching?"
" what are you guys in the mood for?" I ask.
" I'm down with whatever you want babe," Logan said.
I winked at him and smiled.
" how about a scary movie!" Rachel points out.
We all agreed, scary movie it is.
In the theater, we found seats in the dead center. I looked over my shoulder and saw Rachel and Sebastian having a flirty conversation. Rachel was giggling none stop. This theater came with the seats where you can pull the arm bar up. I pulled mine up and scooted over toward Logan. He put his arm around me.
" it's actually kind of cold in here," I chattered.
" don't worry I'll keep you warm!" Logan responded.
He handed me his jacket and wrapped around me tight. He kissed my forehead three times, and began stroking my hair. It's quiet; I turn around and see the two love birds making out.
I chuckle a bit because they were kind of cute. Logan turns my chin and french kisses me. We started making out a little too. When the movie came on we focuses towards other things. The movie was amazing in my opinion. It was actually scary and it was based On a true story.
After the movie, we all went to Rachel's hotel. Her and Sebastian kissed goodbye and rachel, Logan, and I were alone in in Rachel's hotel.
She sat bedside me and Logan, we being all cuddled up.
" so what do you think of him?" Logan wondered.
" he's so sweet!" Rachel's replied.
" do you think you like him?" I questioned.
" well I mean if you couldn't tell we were making out the whole time? She said.
Logan came up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him. I was able to touch his nose. " why don't we ditch and go back to your house" he smiled.
I grabbed his face leaning in for a kiss but then I pushed him back " okay let's go" I said still holding his hands and dragging him from behind.

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