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There was a car honking outside. we shifted out the door. I saw a guy coming out the passenger seat.
"you didn't tell me he was bringing a friend!" I whispered to her angrily.
She giggled " yah he's cute right?!" She winked at me. I rolled my eyes.
" hey who you honking at?" She smiled. She slid in the passenger seat and kissed Sebastion.
" hey babe how you doin" he bit his lip and checked her out. Meanwhile, in the back seat was another guy. He had dark green eyes and dark brown fixed hair. He was well built and dressed. He looked like one of those chill guys. He had a Bennie on, a long sleeve shirt he rolled up to his Elbows, khakis, and sperris.
" hi nice to meet you " He smiled openly. He had nice teeth. I mean he probably had braces. He had small, semi thin lips. He also had really big dimples and dark Long lashes.
" hey," I shook is hand when he held it out and didn't really make to much eye contact after that.
" uh, so! What your name?" He wondered, interestedly.
" Lexi, yours?" I asked.
" oh uh my name is Ryan. It's really nice to meet you." He said. He was looking at me very curiously.
I smiled " what?"
" your just... REALLY beautiful," he concluded. I laughed, and looked down.
" aha--uhh. I'm sorry. I can't help it." He blushed.
Rachel turned around " how's it going back there," she teased. I looked at her annoyed. I'm still dating Logan. I don't know what she was doing. " he's really cute right? Look at those dimples I could just eat him up. he's our age you know!" She winked.
Sebastion, still eyes in the road said " Ayy?!"
" I already own a cutie and it's you. Besides he's your little bro." She giggled.
" wait? You guys are related? You look nothing alike!" I wondered.
Ryan looked down all gloom. Why? It was just a question. " yah we're brothers." He said. I didn't ask questions.
We got to the fair and it was packed. We all got our tickets, but Rachel and Sebastion ran off. Oh, I see! She was putting me on a forced date. I just kept thinking to myself. Logan? I have a boyfriend! This is just two people hanging out. We went to a stand and got popcorn and two cotton candies. I saw a lot of people from school. A lot of them waved hello.
" wow you must be pretty popular around here." He teased.
" I mean I guess a lot people know me from school" I said.
" wait? do you go to Malcolm?" He asked.
" yah," I smirked.
" Ohhh your THAT Lexi. I hear about you a lot. Wow your just like everyone explained. Your sweet and adorable!" He thought to him self and asked me " wait? Aren't you dating Logan?"
" yah, I am," I told him.
He chuckled lightly " Sebastion told me this was a date. Did you guys break up or something?" He wondered.
I sighed " it's actually kind of complicated right now."
We walked over to a Ferris wheel line. I sat on the bars.
" I'm adopted. You know if you were wondering because you seemed confused earlier. My uh... My parents died. I was an orphan," he explained.
" oh wow I'm sorry. My dad actually died when I was like seven so... I understand." I sympathized. He smiled widely. That was like his look you know. His teeth would shine out, his eyes would squint, and his dimples would show. His eyes were so pretty, I thought to myself.
" well would you look at that something we have in common. If this were a real date i'd say things were going well," he giggled. It was our turn to have a seat on the Ferris wheel. Up we go. We both were eating our cotton candy. Mine was pink and his was blue.
He said " you know, they label these different flavors but I don't taste the difference."
" really?" I wondered.
" yah!" He said.
"Your cotton candy is my favorite color," I said
" you like purple?" He asked.
I looked at him very confused " no silly? Blue!"
" oh. Well I'm colorblind soo..." Ryan said.
" really! That's so cool. I mean think about it. I person that sees different colors than me? Weird." I was so fascinated. " what color are my eyes?!" I wondered to him.
He guessed " green?"
" there brown! Wow that's so weird!" I crazed.
" what color are mine?" He Smiled.
I looked into his eyes deeply " they are a really gorgeous green." We gazed at each other. The ride was over. We awkwardly just looked the other way and got out the seats.
" that was fun!" I laughed.
He stopped " I'm getting a really flirty vibe from you and I dont get it. I'm not the type of guy to steal someone's girl, alright. Look, I like you but there's not Ganna be much to it. Youre kinda leading me on and your really not helping ."
"I'm sorry. This is just my personality." I said.
" damn, Logan is a really lucky guy then. God, you're an amazing girl!" He said.
I laughed silently " we could be really good friends? Does that sound fair?" I asked. We agreed. This was no awkward set up. Just two people having some fun. We went on a bunch of roller coasters. I have to admit I don't like them. I hate drops. But Ryan loves them so I went on. We found Rachel and Sebastion, they were in line for the UFO-LIFT. When we got close enough they kissed. " Ayyy man what's up?" He fist pumped with his brother and we got in line with them. " I love this ride!" Rachel said excitedly. " to bad it's our last one. The fair is closing soon."
" this is my favorite ride too," Ryan and i said that at the same time. We laughed. Rachel and Sebastion gave us a look. " i like the pressure when it spins so fast and gravity is pulling you back," I said.
" same," Ryan agreed.
After the ride was over Sebastion drove us to Rachel's house. We said goodbyes and called it a night. Rachel kissed Sebastion and I just awkwardly shook Ryan's hand. "You should sleep over," Rachel thought.

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