Chapter 3

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Hermione sat in her usual spot, doing yet another assignment. She had her eyes closed, imagining how the wand movement would occur when she felt a kiss on her cheek. She opened her eyes to see Draco sit down at the table across from hers.

She smiled at him and went back to her work, occasionally looking at the blond boy sitting across from her doing his own assignments. She was busy with her work and this didn't notice when quidditch legend Victor Krum took a seat at her table. She looked up and saw him smile.

"Hermy-one, I have been looking for you everywhere. I wanted to know if you had made up your mind about my proposal for the dance?"

Hermione bit her lip. She didn't want to say no to Victor but there was someone else she would much rather go with. Hermione saw Draco's head shoot up. He looked at her with a scowl and went back to working on his assignment. "Well Victor, I am still unsure if I will make the dance"

"But I am one of the champions and I wish to escort you. Surely you wouldn't leave a champion dateless." Victor said, holding her hand in his. Hermione smiled kindly and could feel her cheeks getting redder. She however did not notice the blond boy staring at the two with daggers.

Draco was upset. Of course he couldn't take her to the dance but that oaf? He was absolutely not impressed. Did that Durmstrang loser think he could come in and whisk her off of her feet with his stupid accent and charm?

Draco stood up in hurry, no longer being able to bear the sight in front of him of Hermione being given less than she deserved. Hermione looked up at him walking past her, waiting for him to look up so she could see his beautiful grey eyes but he kept his head down and headed out.

"Victor, excuse me a moment," she said as she sped after Draco and pulled him in between a bookshelf aisle. "What is your problem?" she asked, her hand still on his shirt.

"You're my problem Granger," he said looking down at her.

"Me? What? Are you sure your brain is working Malfoy?"

"I don't need to explain myself. Go ahead back to your boyfriend and accept his dance proposal."

"If that's what's got you knickers in a twist, maybe I just will" Hermione said and stormed back to her table. Draco watched from the shelf as Hermione sat down and nodded her head yes. Krum smiled, which was a weird facial expression for him, and left the library.

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