Chapter 5

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It had been about two months since the Yule Ball. The second task had just finished up and Hermione made her way up to the common room to dry off as she was absolutely soaking and shivering. Harry was nowhere to be found and Ron was busy chatting it up with Fleur and her friends after 'saving her sister'.

She walked up to the tower but as she stepped on a staircase, it started moving. "You have got to be kidding me you blasted staircase." She screamed as she stepped off the staircase into the wrong hallway.

"Whoa Granger, no need to yell at the staircase. It's just doing its job," came a voice from the corner of the corridor. Hermione turned her head to see a blond boy leaning against the wall, looking dashing as ever. Her breath caught in her throat as a small smile fell on her face. "Cat got your tongue Granger?" he drawled. 

"Malfoy, being creepy as usual" Hermione said as she sighed. He had to go and ruin everything as per usual. She wished he would just keep his mouth shut and look pretty. It's what he was good at.

"Now, now Granger, that's no way to talk to a friend" he said as he stepped closer to her. She looked at him and he smiled at her. She got lost in his eyes for a fraction of a second and snapped herself out of it.

"Friend? That's what you're calling yourself now? Funny because I thought I was 'unbelievable'" she yelled at him. He stepped even closer to her and  frowned.

"Unbelievably beautiful. That's what I meant to say that night, Granger," he said as he walked past her. She grabbed his wrist and yanked him back towards her.

"Listen here Draco Malfoy. You do not get to say things like this and walk away. You do not get to have the last word." Hermione lectured as she held his wrist. He smiled and looked at her, intertwining her hand into his. He brought it up to his lips and kissed it lightly.

"I don't know what you want from me Hermione," he said in a low voice. She looked up at him softly and gently stroked his cheek. He moved his face against her palm, nuzzling her hand carefully.

"I want my friend back. I didn't know how important you'd become in such a short time."

"I'm important now?" he asked smiling down at her. She wrapped her arms around his waist and he engulfed her in his arms.


He pulled away and looked down at her. She had her eyes closed and a small smile on her face. He laughed at her and she opened her eyes with confusion. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing Granger, just how content you look in my arms. Be careful or else people might get the wrong idea,"

"Let them," she said with a smirk as she pulled away.

"Now you got me all wet Granger. I'm going to have to change," he yelled as she started walking up the staircase. She smiled as she said the password to the portrait and walked inside.

"Where have you been Mione? I've been waiting to see you ever since the challenge ended." Harry said with a worried tone.

"Oh hi Harry. Sorry I got talking to a portrait and it made me lose track of time. How are you feeling?" She said with a smile, knowing in the back of her head she was lying to her best friend.

"Well considering I'm now second, not too bad. Sorry I couldn't help you out during the task." He said with a small grin. She nodded.

"It's ok Harry, I'm fine and I made it out unscathed. You did great!" she reassured him as she walked up to her dormitory and hopped in the shower.

A half hour later, she stepped back into her room to see a small paper flower on her nightstand. She picked it up and opened it.

My beautiful princess,

I'm glad we got the chance to speak again today. I miss spending time with you. Meet at our spot next week? I look forward to seeing you.

With love,
your dashing prince

She smiled as she wrote a quick response before she curled up in her bed, thinking about her day. She was so happy to have her friend back.


Hope you enjoyed!

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