Chapter 29

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The day had come. The trio snuck through the passageway and found themselves in the RoR. As Neville opened the portrait door, the trio was shocked to see their fellow classmates in as bad shape as they were.

"Blimey mates, you look worse than we do," Ron said, pulling Seamus into a hug.

"Yeah well the Death Eaters are not fond of us," he said grinning at Ron. "Something else we've got in common, yeah?"

"I hope they haven't hurt you guys too badly," Hermione responded. They shook their heads.

"It's been a rather rough time. How have you been Hermione? I reckon it's been a bit since you've seen that boyfriend of yours," he said tilting his head, trying to clear the air. Ron froze on the spot, turning to Hermione with anger in his eyes.

"Seamus knew? He knew and I didn't?"

"He met Dan over break last Christmas, remember?" Hermione said, giving him angry eyes. Ron nodded, understanding he was in the wrong.

As they spoke, Ginny ran into the room. "Harry. Snape knows you were spotted in Hogsmeade," she said as everyone's heads shot up. Hermione looked to see a boy standing behind Ginny, his cloak's hood up. She assumed he was one of theirs and went back to talking to Seamus and Ron as Ginny and Harry dealt with the issue at hand.

"I'm surprised you two never got together. I always expected it," Seamus said, putting his arm around Hermione jokingly. She shook her head.

"Hermione here has got herself a boy that is absolutely wrapped around her finger. It's not even funny at this point. I thought the knight in shining armor was just a ruse but he's actually like that in real life,"

"Dan is a lucky man," Seamus said with a grin.

"He rather is," came a voice. Hermione's head shot up, fast enough to give her whiplash. She looked to see a boy standing in the middle of the room, smirking at her with his arms crossed.

Hermione's face immediately softened as she saw him. Everyone else's reaction was a little less welcoming. In an instant 15 wands were pointed at him. He, however, didn't even flinch, with his eyes still on Hermione. Ron laughed out loud, turning everyone's attention away from the boy they had encircled.

"Never a dull moment Malfoy."

"I aim to impress Weasley,"

Hermione chuckled as she stepped closer to the boy, before wrapping her arms around his midsection. "Consider me enchanted then." Draco held her softly, placing a kiss on her head.

The entire room, with the exception of the 2 weasley's and Harry gawked at the scene. "What is going on?" Seamus asked, pinching the bridge of his nose. Lavender, on the other hand, started to shriek.

"Now you all see I wasn't lying! I am a honest person!"

"Oh shut it Brown. One rumor out of 500 being true doesn't make you an honest person," Ginny said as she pushed her out of the way. "Now where is my hug?" She asked as she hugged Hermione lightly.

"Thank you," she said softly. Ginny smiled.

"Thank Draco. He's kept me from getting hurt. A true gentleman you have there Hermione."

Hermione smiled and turned to him, before kissing him softly. "My prince, I missed you."

"Mione it's been a few weeks. You've lasted longer," he said softly, tilting her chin upwards. Hermione grinned and turned to see Harry and Ron shaking their heads and rolling their eyes.

"If you two are done, we can worry about what to do next," Harry said. Hermione blushed and Draco laughed.

"I should be going. My house will start wondering where I am. Be safe my love," he said kissing her before leaving the room. Hermione immediately dropped her smile.

"Ok they know Harry is here. When they inevitably call an assembly, we're going to hide him in the Gryffindor crowd." She said. Not a second later, Snape's voice flooded the building 'All Students in the Great Hall in 10 minutes'

Everyone's heads snapped in Hermione's direction. She rolled her eyes as Ron gawked at her. "You're mental."

As everyone whispered about her, she talked to Ginny and Luna, smiling. "People want to know what they just witnessed." Ginny said, looking at her. Hermione nodded and cleared her throat.

"I'm assuming you want answers," she began. Everyone nodded. "Short version is Draco Malfoy is not a bad guy and I've been dating him since 4th year."

As they filed out of the room, Hermione heard a sea of questions. "4th year?" "That's crazy." "How can you trust him?" "She's actually gone mental." "Did Harry and Ron know?"

Harry reaches over and held Hermione's hand lovingly. She looked at him with a soft smile, silently thanking him before walking away, to meet the Order. Ginny looked at the two of them solemnly. She feared what was going to happen next. Harry silently held Ginny's hand as they brushed each other. Ginny kissed his hand softly. "I love you," she whispered. Harry smiled lightly and memorized the look on her face.

"I love you. Everything will be ok Gin," he said softly. She nodded before looking forward.

Soon they were lined up in the Great Hall, with Snape looking at them with anger in his eyes. "Anyone withholding with any information about Mr. Potter will be severely punished."

"Tell them!" Harry said as he stepped out of the crowd. "Tell them how you murdered him. Tell them about that night. You're a coward. And yet you still have a security problem."

Harry turned and in walked the Order, with Hermione and Ron. And that's when it all began. Wands shooting, students running.

Amid the chaos Ron and Hermione ventured to the chamber and retrieved the basilisk fangs and destroyed another Horcrux. They reached the Room of Requirement and were met by Draco, Blaise, and Goyle. Hermione began to move towards him but spotted Goyle and stood her ground.

Draco looked at her and swished his wand obviously. Hermione smirked and screamed "expelliarmus". Draco smiled, nodding at her. Then, his smile fell as Goyle screamed the killing curse at her. And Ron lost it, running after the three of them, mainly Goyle, for trying to hurt her.

In a moment the redhead ran back to them. "Goyle lit the bloody place on fire," he screamed as they took of running in the opposite direction. Hermione found some brooms and threw them at her best friends. As Hermione flew by she saw Draco and Blaise.

"I'm getting Draco. I'm not leaving him here,"

"Hermione if we die for them I'll kill you," Ron said as he followed her. Harry snagged Draco and Ron grabbed Blaise. Goyle didn't make it, not surprising for anyone, considering he was the idiot that started the fire.

As the collapsed outside the room, Draco ran to Hermione and clutched her in his arms. "Draco we have to go." Blaise urged, pulling the boy. "I'll bring him back in one piece Mione," he said as he ran, dragging the blonde behind him. Hermione smiled lightly, watching someone she never expected to be her friend being so kind.

"I still can't get over the fact that he knew before me," Ron said with a frown. Hermione slapped his head and pulled him to his feet.

"Fight now. Sulk later," she said as she ran down to the main floor. The war was not over yet, there was still more to come.

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