Chapter 9

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4 weeks later Draco was in the Malfoy Manor's gardens, pacing back and forth. Harry Potter had done it again, declaring what he thought was true as the gospel. Not that Draco didn't believe him, but Potter was blowing this out of proportion.

An owl dropped a letter into his hand as it perched on his shoulder. He scratched the white bird's head and opened the letter.  "Mother," Draco called, "I'm heading out to clear my head. I should be back in a few hours." Draco turned to the doors and walked into the fireplace. Draco reached the city and entered the small bookstore near Bath.

The bell dinged to signal the door opening and before Draco had even set one foot in the building, he was engulfed in a pair of arms. He wrapped his arms around her small body and rested his chin on top of her head. The pair stood like that for several minutes until Hermione pulled Draco to a corner with a couch and a fireplace.

"I missed you," she said as they took a seat. Draco wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him.

"I've been so worried my love. I haven't heard from you in weeks,"

"I'm so sorry about that. The Order has the mail under surveillance. The only reason I could get this letter to you was because my parents came to visit family in Bath. Otherwise I wouldn't have been able to get anything to you."

Draco looked at his girlfriend and pulled her into his arms yet again. "I'm scared Hermione. I hate not knowing if you're ok." Hermione pulled away and reached up to kiss Draco softly.

"I am ok. And I'm safe. But I don't want you to worry."

"Hermione it's sort of hard not to worry when I don't hear from you and don't know how you are."

"Well I'm staying with my parents in 2 weeks. Come visit. I can show you my version of London and you can meet my parents."

"I still can't believe you want me to meet your parents," Draco said with a soft smile. Hermione giggled and cuddled into his arms. The pair sat in silence for the next hour, just enjoying each other's company.

Hermione finally stood up and picked up her bag. "Draco, I should be getting back."

Draco placed his hand into hers and together they walked out of the bookstore, pulling up their hoods to avoid being recognized. They entered a wizard shop disguised as a stationary store and walked to the fireplace.

Draco pulled Hermione into his arms and kissed her gently. She reached up, encircling her arms around his neck, pressing herself closer to him. Draco pulled away slightly, putting his forehead against hers and smiled. "Hermione Granger, you've got a good mouth on you."

Her hood had fallen down. She smiled and lightly punched his arm. "Watch it, I have a boyfriend," she said as she pushed him lightly into the fireplace. "I'll see you soon my love."

Draco smiled as he threw the powder and spoke, "Malfoy Manor." In a flash of green, he arrived at his home and stepped out of the fireplace.

"Draco dear?" came the voice of his mother from the next room.

"Yes mother I'm home."

"Did you have a good day?" She asked, stepping into the room.

"It was fine."

"Where did you go?"

"The stationary store in Bath. I needed more of those quills I like," Draco said as he turned to walk up the stairs.

"Dinner will be in an hour. And Draco?"


"You can always tell me anything. I would never judge"

"Thank you mother," Draco said as he walked up the stairs to his room. He laid on his bed and smiled, thinking about the day he had spent with the girl he loved.

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