Chapter 37

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Hermione stood it the doors of the castle, playing with the ring on her finger. Her dad smiled at her, kissing her cheek. "You're not getting cold feet are you?" he asked, holding her hand in his.

"Never. Draco is my dream come true. Just worried he might be," she replied.

"That boy is crazy about you. I normally wouldn't advocate for marriage at 20, but you two are a match made in the stars," he said, putting her anxiety at ease. "We should head in. Everyone's waiting."

Hermione nodded, picking up the flowers. As the doors opened, she looked up to see the love of her life standing 20 feet in front of her. His mouth opened slightly as he wiped his palms on his trousers. She smiled at him, locking her brown eyes with his grey ones. They were so full of love.

Her father passed her off to Draco, who picked her up gently to place her on the platform. Kingsley smiled at the two, beginning the ceremony.

It was time for the vows and Draco began. "I have loved you since the day I laid eyes on you in first-year. Your intelligence knows no bounds. Your heart is big enough to love every person on this earth and still have room for more. Your beauty is unparalleled and you constantly amaze me with everything that you do. I cannot begin to explain how lucky I am to call you mine for the rest of my life. I cannot wait to wake up to your sweet laughter, spend my days listening to your angelic voice as you read to me, or to look into those beautiful brown eyes of yours before I go to sleep. I thank Merlin every day for not only giving me the opportunity to love you but also for the fact that I somehow ended up on the receiving end of your love. You are the light of my life, my sunshine, and my compass to goodness. I love you forever."

Hermione smiled as a tear leaked from her eye. She sniffled before beginning, "I have no words to accurately describe the love I have in my heart for you. You make me feel like I am loved and cherished every minute of every day. Thank you for loving me in a way I didn't know existed. I don't deserve your affection but I treasure it every second of my existence. You have always taken my feelings and desires into account, often putting them before your own. Thank you for always being the most understanding and caring man I will ever know. I was once told you worshipped the ground I walked on but I adore everything you do. You allow me to prosper by giving me your love and your trust and always compromise your needs for my wants. Today marks the beginning of forever. A forever of morning kisses, breakfasts in bed, and sleeping in each other's arms. You are my home, now and forever. I love you always."

Draco licked his lips and placed the band on her finger, bringing her hand to his lips. He kissed it softly before letting it go. Kingsley smiled at the two. "By the power vested in my as Minister of Magic, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

Draco didn't need to be told twice. He wrapped his arms around his wife and kissed her softly, dipping her. She smiled as she pulled away. "I'm a Malfoy," she said softly.

"Hermione Malfoy. It's as if you were made for me."

"I'm beginning to think so," she said with a grin.

Five years later, Hermione came home to find a trail of rose petals. She rolled her eyes softly as she followed them to her bedroom where she found her husband sitting on the ottoman at the foot of her bed holding a single rose. "I missed you."

"It's been two days dummy," she said putting down her bag. "How was your trip?"

"Boring. Stupid. A waste of time." He said standing up and pulling his wife into his arms.

"It couldn't be that bad," she said smiling at him.

"It was the worst. Sleeping without you for a single night is impossible," he said kissing her lips softly.

"Still as romantic as the day we kissed. Now let's go to bed," Hermione said, pulling her husband onto the bed. He smirked pinning his wife down.

"Tonight I'm having my way with you."


Two months later, Hermione sat at work looking at her wand. It wasn't possible. The muggle doctors and the healers had told her it wasn't possible. She quickly packed up, leaving for the day.

Ten minutes later, she entered Malfoy Industries, getting on the elevator and pressing the button for floor 46. She stepped out and made her way to her husband's office.

She opened the door, grimacing. Josie had recently gone on maternity leave, meaning Draco had to hire a replacement for a few months. And Hermione was not fond of her.

Hermione cleared her throat, causing the blonde bimbo to turn around with a squeak. "Hi Amber. Can I have a moment alone with my husband?"

Draco rolled his eyes, thanking Amber for her help. As soon as she left, Hermione placed herself on her husband's lap. "What's this surprise due to?" Draco asked, placing a piece of her hair behind her ear. "Not that I'm complaining. I'm rather glad you're here right now."

"Draco, I have something to tell you." Hermione said softly as she absentmindedly played with Draco's hair.

"I'm all ears Mi."

"I'm pregnant," she whispered, watching Draco's face quickly light up. He hugged her tightly, releasing her quickly.

"Oh I'm sorry. That can't be good for the baby."

"Hugging me won't hurt it Draco."

"But Mi, I thought they said it was impossible."

"I suppose they were wrong. Besides, we're not ones to follow rules."

"Oh Granger, I love you so much."

"Right back at you Malfoy," she said, kissing him. "Let's go home?"

"Anything for you my love." Draco said as he stood up, holding his wife's hand. He walked out of his office. "I'm heading home early for the weekend. Just finish filing the last folder and you can go too," he said as he smiled lightly at Amber. She nodded, smiling at the couple.

"Have a nice weekend Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy." She chirped. Hermione nodded and left with Draco in tow.

"I'd prefer if you fired her," Hermione said jokingly.

"Josie will be back next week my love. And who cares about her when you've just told me the news. I'm going to be a dad Mi. We're going to have a son,"

"A son?" Hermione asked perplexed.

"The firstborn of a Malfoy is always a son."

"And if it's a daughter?" Hermione asked.

"Then she's going to be my little princess," he said as he kissed her softly. "And the only other girl I'd ever love as much as you."

Next chapter is the epilogue!! Can't believe this story is so close to being finished.

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