Chapter 24 - Lilith Left In Charge

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Lilith's POV - 

" Alright so, risotto times by two for you and Miss V, medium raw steak for Maxy and Mushroom penne for us" Caspian and Caius left last period early to go and get us lunch at the local restaurant.  I will only let them leave school for legitimate reasons, avoiding prison food is one of them. 

"You two have done something good for once" Vivian took the box with her risotto from Caspian and opened it up eagerly. " I do agree with Lil, why didn't we do this before?" I smiled at Maximus and took my own box from Caius. "I don't say this often, but you two do come up with genius ideas sometimes" 

"Just sometimes?" The twins sat down. 

"Yeah, because there are not many occasions that we can say it" Vivian shot the twins down which made me and Maximus laugh. The twins scowled. "Watch it Viv, we might not ever do this again" Me and Maximus were silently eating as we let the event unfold infront of us, attacking Vivian was not the smartest of choices yet the twins seem to do it very often. 

"Can I talk to you?" I turned around mid laughter to find Alexander stood at our table, he seems to do this very often. " Whatever you have to say you can say it infront of everyone" He looked away before looking back at me. " I would prefer to do it in private" I sighed and put my fork down. 

You don't have to do it Lil.

Caspian mind linked me. 

It's fine Casp, I can handle him. 

I stood up and followed Alexander outside, aware to all the stares that followed us out. Once we were a suitable distance away from the cafeteria that was full of wolves with extremely good hearing, Alexander abruptly came to a stop and turned around to face me. "Why has my father said to communicate every pack detail with you?" His stance was questioning, he was confused and a little intrigued. "Because" I cleared my throat "Demitrius is away" I replied with the truth. 

"But Demitrius has Caspian and Caius" I had to hold my laughter in when the thought of the twins being put in a place of authority came into my mind. " or Vivian and Maximus, why you? What do you know about speaking to an Alpha and correlating between---" I held my hand up. 

"If you want to question my abilities in being Demitrius' replacement then please either arrange a meeting with us and your father, or equally you can contact the palace" Alexander looked back at me with even more intrigue than before, the girl he suspected of being nothing more than a feeble human was put in charge of communication between his pack and the werewolf kingdom. That must be a shock for sure. 

"No, I'm not questioning your abilities" I raised my eyebrows which made Alexander stare at me hard before speaking again. " Okay, maybe I am shocked a little but you can't blame me" I raised my eyebrows again. " You was a human for the major part of your life" I smiled slightly at that but quickly plastered my neutral face back on. "So was you, you shifted at the age of sixteen. See, we're not that different" He opened his mouth to object but realised I was right, he closed his mouth up and down like a fish. 

"I'm going to leave now" I replied turning around and beginning to walk back towards the cafeteria. "Wait" I rolled my eyes but stopped before turning around and looking at him, I was bored of this situation now. " My father wanted to invite you all formally for a pack dinner for your help and as an apology for the way the pack ignored your training, Demitrius isn't here but--" All I wanted to do was get back to my risotto. 

"We will be there"


"So, the plan is we stay for a few hours and then we leave?" I nodded my head as I slipped on my heels once I got downstairs. " No longer?" Caius asked and I nodded my head. 

"No longer than a few hours, I have work to get back to" I thought about the piles of letters that were on Demitrius' desk. Although he did say I didn't have to do any proper work, I wanted to ease some strain off him when he comes back for all that he had done for me and the rest of us. "And we're going on pack control?" Vivian asked, it was Maximus' and Vivian's turn tonight and I definitely didn't envy them for it. "Yes, anything that seems off to you or if there is an attack mindlnk me. The twins won't hear you" Maximus nodded as we walked outside and into our cars. I was of course driving my Bentley, this time everyone was coming with me. 

"What do you mean we won't be awake?" I laughed. 

"The other night is a clear example that trying to mindlink you whilst you both are alseep is near impossible" They pouted in the back seat which made me laugh even more. The drive to the pack house didn't take too long and before we knew it we were parking my car up on the driveway. The Alpha, his Luna and their son which happens to be my lovely mate, note the sarcasm, were all stood outside awaiting our arrival. 

Once we stepped out of the car we were immediately greeted by the trio. 

"Good evening, thank you so much for coming tonight it really does mean a lot to us" I nodded my head as the Alpha mainly addressed me. " Thank you for inviting us" I replied the same way that Demitrius would have done. Although on the outside I was as cool as a cucumber, on the inside I was anxious about how well I would be able to fill Dem's shoes. 

And boy, do I have big shoes to fill. 


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