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For the hundredth time that morning, I sighed and glared at my best friend. "I'm fine. Please, don't bring it up. I want to forget about it and move on with my life. Please don't say anything. I don't want anyone else to know." I pleaded.

Steph hummed out her answer, concern still written on her face. We got in the school gates just as the bell rang and we rushed to the hall for assembly.

The school principal was droning on about some crap as I looked at Steph and rolled my eyes. She giggled at me, trying not to though as I caught the attention of a staff member who glared at me. I quickly focused on the front just as I saw Lisa Cavendish step up on the stage.

Frowning, I tried to keep up on what just happened. Then it clicked. Lisa was the school captain. Oh great. What dipshit in their right mind allowed for this?

Suddenly I heard my name being called from the sidelines and I saw my home room teacher pointing to her head.

I knew exactly what she meant. Squeezing my eyes shut and letting out a small moan of disgust, I ripped my beanie off my head and shoved it in my bag.

Assembly lasts about thirty minutes and when it was over, we were scrambling to get out off the hall. Someone had dropped their guts and we all protested at the smell until we could get outside and in to the fresh air. I waved goodbye to Steph and went towards my geography class. The closer I got however, the slower my pace was.

Geography. Mr Richards. Dean Stevens. I have to share a table with Dean Stevens.

Once again, I was questioning the universe on why he was in so many of my classes this year.

Dragging my feet, I went to my desk, surprised to see Dean already there. He was tapping a pen on the table in boredom and I groaned again. Perfect, I said to myself as I saw Dean's feet on my side of the table.

I walked to my spot, my hands on my hips and my face blank, waiting for Dean to move his feet.

I heard the protest leave his lips as he sat up. "Your majesty." He snarled sarcastically. "Lord forbid I get a detention on a Friday."

Sitting down, I rolled my eyes. "I wouldn't have to say anything if you keep your feet where they belong. On the ground."

Then I saw something I didn't think I would see from the trouble making Dean Stevens.

He smirked.

At me.

I took a deep breathe and turned to the front of the class as Mr Richards started speaking.

But I couldn't concentrate. Instead all I could hear was tapping for a good solid ten minutes. A pen against a wooden topped table to be exact. It was enough for my eye to start a tic with every tap. I pushed my glasses up on my face, trying to drown the noise out with ignorance.

But I couldn't take it anymore. I snapped. Big time.

Spinning to face the annoying bastard next to me, I nearly yelled at him, the whole class pausing and staring at us.

"Must you continue with that fucking tapping?"

The whole room was silent as I saw everyone look at me. My cheeks warmed up, knowing I was blushing.

"Right, Elizabeth and Dean, see me after class." Mr Richards scorned at us and I wanted to shrink away from the attention.

"Yes, sir. Sorry sir." I grumbled out the pathetic apology. I felt eyes bore in to my back and I turned to see them in action.

Dean looked pissed. And it was aimed at me. But I didn't back down. I glared right back him, just as annoyed.

"Well, look at that." Dean smirked again. "The good girl isn't so good after all."

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