Chapter One: The More Things Change...

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The first thing Error- er, Goth did was change his clothing, as they were suddenly much too small.

What did one expect when one went from a ten year old body to a sixteen year old body? Oh, he was still hilariously short, but with how small he'd been as a child, he'd expected that.

In the end, he'd discovered in his panic (as he was starting to panic about going around naked) he could still summon his strings. From his fingertips, which thankfully formed as magic first, then the strings.

Yeah... he had always hated the fact he'd have to pull them from his eyes before.

He'd quickly knitted his strings into a sleeveless turtleneck, pants, and a pair of soft shoes... he'd have to get real footwear later, as they weren't very protective.

Of course, they were all shades of blue, as his strings were always blue. The top was a blue so dark it looked black, the pants the same shade as blue jeans, and the shoes also looked black as well.

It was depressing to realize he didn't have his scarf, the one his mother had given to him as a baby.

He decided not to make a new scarf, he wanted his own.

Hmmm... as Error he'd only used the strings in certain ways, but now that he remembered his past before the Error could he make his string different colors that could do different things.

Something to think over later.

"Huh..." he murmured, staring down at his body. He hadn't noticed before, but markings swirled across the bones, appearing now and then with the shimmer of his magic.

"No... no, no, no, NOOO!" Goth cried, angry and frustrated.

He recognized those markings all too well. He'd seen them enough, they were what he'd seen in his 'Error' code that marked him as Fate's pawn.

He screamed and yelled, and even destroyed a puppet in his rage.

He wasn't free.

And... he discovered he could flip between his true body, and his Error form.

Twenty minutes later, The Error started a chain of destruction, destroying twenty AU's on the list Fate gave him, then vanishing before the Star Sanses caught up to him.


"That wasn't normal," Dream said, shaken.

Ink walked away, angry that he hadn't been able to stop Error from destroying his creations.

Dream hadn't been able to follow Blue and Ink, as they tried to keep up with the destroyer. The rage, despair, and sorrow the God had been feeling had literally knocked him unconscious. Dream did have a limit on how much he could deal with less positive emotions, after all.

Nightmare would have felt those emotions too, he'd have gotten a huge recharge from the amount Error had been broadcasting.

He'd only woken five minutes ago, to find an angry Ink and an upset Blue- as Error had literally moved at speeds they hadn't been able to follow.

"No... definitely not normal," Blue said, his eyelights faint due to distress.

Elsewhere, a door slammed shut as Ink locked himself in his room.


Goth was in an Outertale, which copy he didn't know. Just not his usual one. He sat in some bushes on a cliff's edge to keep out of sight, gazing at the stars.

His rage had cooled a lot, and he'd mostly stopped crying.

He almost wished Fate hadn't given his memories or real body back.

It hurt so much.

As long as he was the destroyer, he could never go home.

"Stop being a nimrod and get out of the bush, Error," a familiar voice growled.

"Nightmare!" he said in surprise. He'd wonder how the other found him... but his feelings would have been like a beacon to the corrupted skeleton, even if his emotions seemed less violent in his true form.

Thankfully Dream wouldn't have been able to recognize him due to his emotions in this form, after all, it wasn't Dream who he'd force fed negative emotions to save their life in the past.

A bond of some type had formed from that, and Error himself had used it in the past to find the other.

Sighing, he pulled himself from the bushes, and mentally grumbled at the realization that he'd have to get used to being so much smaller than his friend.

"You're freaking adorable," Nightmare cackled.

Goth gave a glare, and seconds later, Nightmare was in a tussle with his Error form.

Nightmare was always rather chill.

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