Chapter Nineteen: I will give you what I have

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Goth was in the anti-void, doing a quick check.

He sighed in relief to see that no one had manged to get to the souls, unless Fate ordered it or he saw a need none of them could be released to reset there AU.

Some could never be released unless Ink regained there soul, as they the Creator and needed there touch to correct there initial coding.

"Time is running out..." a voice whispered.

"Stars!" he cried spinning around, pulling out his scythe out for whoever stood there.

"Greetings child of Death and God of Destruction," the quiet voice said, the voice belonging to a darkly garbed skeleton that seemed to be hiding in shadows even though none existed in the anti-void.

"Umbra!" he said in surprise, he felt a bit weirded out that the mysterious being even older then Ink and himself knew that he was Error.

Gold with red flecks peered out of a shadowy hood, the lower half of the face hidden by there thick brown scarf. Goth as Error had run into Umbra plenty of times, he usually avoided a being that could ground Ink.

The being also stunk of Fate power, so he was likely controlled too.. and Goth had a sinking feeling the being could probably cross between the two multiverses with more ease then himself and Ser.

"You seek the essence," Umbra said.

"Yes, do you know where it is?" Goth begged hopefully.

"What you seek will not at a temple future Death, armor your soul or you will fail," Umbra said.

Then he was gone, as quickly as he had appeared.

"Don't be so cryptic!" Goth yelled into the ever empty anti-void.


Umbra sighed as they stepped onto white sand, they peered at the alter.

"Did big brother have fun?" the smaller being there asked.

"You know what, its more fun on the side giving the information then receiving it," Umbra giggled.


"You know, if I Hadn't realized he would have made the first move I might of had to kill you," Nightmare smirked as soon as Goth appeared at his base, the small skeleton blushed.

Goth wanted to die.

"Dad no," Goth begged his second father figure.

"Do I have to give you the talk, don't want to be a great uncle yet," Nightmare leered.

Goth had been going to visit his long time friend, he had forgotten Nightmare usually kept an eye on Error/Goths emotions due to past issues with the Star Sans.

Goth gave a small scream and fled his face horribly blushing.


"I mean... what do I do when he kisses me next time?" Error asked.

"Kiss him back! Kisses are great!" Ink chirped happily.

"It was my first one too," Error said blushing yellow.

"Aww.. that so cute," Ink awed his eyelights hearts.

"This.. is a battle to save the AU right?" Dream asked Blue, watching the two titans battle and chat like best friends at the same time.

"Yup," an over relaxed Blue said on a lawn chair replied, he ate more buttered popcorn.

"Where did you get those things anyway?" Dream asked confused.

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