Chapter Ten: A scant moment

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What happens when both Snow and Chaos edit a story together, a hilarious scene gets even more funnier.

Goth stretched happily, his body having finally healed.

Still sore, but without any new scars.

After hitting the Anti-Void, he'd ended up visiting Nighty. The cursed skeleton had given him such a look before sending him to bed.
He'd slept like the dead, and then he woke up and ate enough food for Horror to be impressed.

Why was he so hungry? He ate all the time, always too much food, but it never seemed to be enough.

But he would think over the food situation another time.

Suddenly, he shivered. Why did he have the urge to run away from Nightmare?

He had a feeling that this was Searcher's fault.


"No, just no," Error said as he came across the latest AU that Ink had created. He was glad that Inky had slowed down a lot since he'd been kidnapped, but... they'd become a bit bizarre, to put it simply.

Take this one, for instance. DanceChickenDreamTale. How the heck did Ink even manage to come up with such a bizarre thing?

"They're perfect!" Ink protested.

"Bwark," Chicken Dream squawked, staring up at normal Dream.

Normal Dream looked ready to cry.

It was also buggy as heck, as was shown when chicken Nightmare glitched right through the Tree of Feelings.

"Sorry. It's gotta go," Error said with a sigh.

"Noooo... don't destroy it Error!" Ink cried, leaping forward to stop him.

Dream would not admit to cheering Error on for that fight.

Even if an Axetale Temmie appeared out of nowhere and attempted to maul Ink, screaming at him.

Something about someone named Searcher needing brain bleach if he ever found out about this...


Goth carefully packed up his supplies, he had an absurd of monster food and healing items, and a few pieces of extra clothing. Mounds of paper bound in book form with his research into Ink's soul. A cellphone with cat stickers on it, he'd bought it after he remembered.

Did cellphones work between there two sides? Might be faster then messages sent by codes.

And the last item, the half soul of Ink that was staying in a sealed container in his item pocket for safety.

"Right, that's everything," he said, putting the last items away.

"Do you have any idea where you're going next?" Nightmare asked.

"I'm checking out a snowy AU next, ever since I got the part of Ink's soul there's been a weird energy coming from it," Goth said, adjusting his cozy winter jacket.

"And if you run into another Guardian?" Nightmare asked.

"I'll be fine, Nighty, I'm just scouting. I won't enter anything like a temple if I can help it," Goth sighed.

"You have my number, kiddo," Nightmare said.

"Thanks dad..." Goth mumbled, blushing, then fled.


Snow, snow, and more snow.

And Goth didn't mean the admin who worked an Omniverse over- although he did hear the strangest sound from somewhere in the snow that covered the ground, and could've sworn that he saw a flash of icy blue light.

He squinted against the wind and the sun shining off the snow, deciding that he'd need to get goggles to protect himself from snow blindness.

That was when he fell over, incredibly dizzy for a frightening moment.

A horrible feeling as something became unbalanced far away.

"Dad...?" he questioned, wait, no... that horrible feeling wasn't his dad...

"Searcher... what's going on with Searcher's dad," he said, climbing to his feet and trying not to throw up.

This was magical feedback from Searcher.

He looked in the distance where ice spikes rose unnaturally, those would have to wait.

Moments later he was gone, hoping Searcher would be there soon at the library.

Wind blew across the area, shifting the loose snow, and seconds later, all traces of Goth's presence were gone.

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