Chapter Six: Share

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This had "bad idea" written all over it.

In fifty foot letters, with sparkles.

On fire!

Goth groaned in frustration. He couldn't believe he was being such a coward.

Searcher was never going to let him live it down!

A single violet eyelight peered out from his hiding place. Just thirty feet away was a familiar figure.

Palette, sweet, gentle Palette.

A few years older, having aged since Fate had stolen Goth, but just as innocent and kind.

"Are you stalking my nephew?" A voice asked teasingly from behind him.

Goth squeaked, spinning around.

"Nightmare," he said in surprise.

"Did you just squeak? That's adorable," Nightmare cackled.

Goth fled.


'Meet Palette, take two,' thought Goth sarcastically.

He was dressed as Fell Goth, as while not an outcode like himself, Fell Goths tended to wander.

"This is so cute," a voice said.

Goth spun around again, feeling like this was deja vu of last time, and stared.

Rather than Nightmare, another Goth stood there. It wasn't Searcher, this Goth appeared younger, and wore different clothing than most other Goths he had seen. He also held a lantern, which appeared to have a save star in it.

"Are you Retconned?" he asked curiously, remembering that Searcher had mentioned a Goth with a lantern by that name.

"Yup! Searcher said he mentioned me to you, so I decided to pop over," Retconned chirped.

"How are you in my multiverse, anyway? I understand the library, but how here?" Goth asked, confused.

"I exist everywhere, I can go anywhere I put my mind to," Retconned replied mysteriously.

Goth gave him a flat stare, as that hadn't answered anything.

Suddenly, Retconned placed something in his hand. Looking down, he found himself holding a basket of fresh chocolate chip cookies.

"Cookies?" he asked, bewildered.

"Always a good ice breaker for Palettes," Retconned said, and pushed him backwards.

Goth yelped as he crashed into someone outside the place where he'd been hiding.

"Works every time," Retconned cackled, and then vanished.

"Are you okay?" a gentle voice asked worriedly.

"Ah, yes... thank you for catching me," Goth said, blushing. He didn't know if he should murder or thank Retconned for this.

"Oooh... cookies," Palette said, spotting the basket.

"Want to share?" he asked.

"Please," Palette chirped.


A being frowned.

For the last few years, it had felt as if they were being hunted.

A mad smile split their face, their eyelights glinting in a frightening way as a wrongness emanated from them.

Well then... let the games begin.

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