Chat One

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Hacker_Gorl has created a new chat.
Hacker_Gorl has named the chat Phantom Fuckers.
Hacker_Gorl added HaremF**ker249 to the chat.
Hacker_Gorl added FastAsEffBoi to the chat.
Hacker_Gorl added Ann Takamaki to the chat.
Hacker_Gorl added Yusuke Kitagawa to the chat.
Hacker_Gorl added Makoto Niijima to the chat.
Hacker_Gorl added Haru Okumura to the chat.
Hacker_Gorl added Goro Akechi to the chat. Hacker_Gorl added Sumire Yoshizawa to the chat.

Hacker_Gorl: Yall have borin-ass chat names.
FastAsEffBoi: but Ren's chat name is just
HaremF**ker249:Dont ask
Yusuke Kitagawa:I would prefer to not be called a faggot.
Hacker_Gorl:Imma change some of yalls names

Hacker_Gorl changed Ann Takamaki's name to ImHot
Hacker_Gorl changed Yusuke Kitagawa's name to ImCold
Hacker_Gorl changed ImCold's name to InariTheIdiot
Hacker_Gorl changed Makoto Niijima's name to IWillPunchTheShitOutOfYou
Hacker_Gorl changed Haru Okumura's name to Forehead
Hacker_Gorl changed Goro Akechi's name to IJustWantPancakez
Hacker_Gorl has changed Sumire Yoshizawa's name to RetardInALeotard

ImHot:So you admit im hot?
IJustWantPancakez:Why a Z?
HaremF**ker 249:Im safe
Hacker_Gorl:U sure

Hacker_Gorl changed HaremF**ker249's name to IWillSuckAkechi'sPancock

IJustWantPancakez:Is this true?IWillSuckAkechi'sPancock:Please change it back

IWillSuckAkechi'sPancock has changed their name to ThotSlayer420

Hacker_Gorl:Okay you have satisfied me
IJustWantPancakez:What the fuck. Not even a question.
InariTheIdiot:Futaba, please change my name. I don't know how.
Hacker_Gorl:This is why ur InariTheIdiot
IWillPunchTheShitOutOfYou:My name is too long, please change it back.

Hacker_Gorl changed IWillPunchTheShitOutOfYou's name to FistsOfJustice

ThotSlayer420:Okay where's Sumi?
RetardInALeotard:Here, Senpai!
ThotSlayer420:btw Futaba Morgana said ur name for Haru was offensive
Forehead:Yes. If it is what you will call me, I will chop you!
Hacker_Gorl:dear jesus okay

Hacker_Gorl changed Forehead's name to SpilledTheTea

SpilledTheTea:Much better! Thank you, Futaba-chan!
IJustWantPancakez:So, what is the meaning of this group chat? And why did you make it at 2 AM?
Hacker_Gorl:mostly to fuck with Ren. Btw how r u Bro?
ThotSlayer420:Pretty gud sis.
ImHot: aw you two are so cute
ThotSlayer420:Im more than cute you thot, dont make me say it
FastAsEffBoi:hes not wrong
ThotSlayer420:Come at me pigtails
ImHot:i know when ive been defeated!!
FistsOfJustice:Okay, it's 3 AM now, we should sleep.
RetardInALeotard:I'm fine! Is everyone else okay?
SpilledTheTea:I'm alright!
ThotSlayer420:I never sleep unless Morgana tells me to
IJustWantPancakez:I overdosed on Boss' coffee.
InariTheIdiot:I slept all day.
Hacker_Gorl:So Renny how is Kitty?

Ren decided to take a video of Morgana. He pretends to just be chatting while pointing the camera at Morgana. The cat licks his paws and purrs. Ren ends the video, then sends it.

FistsOfJustice:Okay, that's adorable.
ImHot:Mona is adorbs!
FastAsEffBoi:Yeah right
IJustWantPancakez:Aw, listen to his purrs!
FistsOfJustice:Guys it's 4 AM now. Go to sleep.
ThotSlayer420:Yeah we probably should. We got school tmrw. I miss Shujin
IJustWantPancakez:I'm sure it misses you.
ImHot:not really but YEAHHH
FastAsEffBoi:Ann screw u dude. Ren-Ren needs LOVE
Hacker_Gorl:We know who can give him summmm
ThotSlayer420:im out
ThotSlayer420 has left the chat.
FastAsEffBoi has left the chat.
ImHot has left the chat.
IJustWantPancakez has left the chat.
SpilledTheTea has left the chat.
InariTheIdiot has left the chat.
RetardInALeotard has left the chat.
Hacker_Gorl:well shit

(Yes this is after Ren leaves Tokyo. Enjoy these Phantom quips)

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