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DEMI P.O.V.: after eating rise with chicken for lunch, I took the girls to the backyard and we sat there painting all together with our hands. We had a very nice time there and some minutes later, we all went to the downstairs' bathroom and I helped Alena wash her hands firstly.

Alena: now it's Valentina's time (I nodded and started washing Valentina's and mines hands while Alena watched us) I wanna eat ice cream

Demi: me too, the delivery will arrive soon (we heard the doorbell rang and Alena smiled at me)

Alena: it must be the ice cream

Demi: maybe, why don't you see who's there? Don't open the door, it could be dangerous

Alena: okay auntie, I'll go see (she ran to the living room and I dried Valentina's hands and mine before picking her up)

I was walking to the living room when I heard the door opening.

Demi: Alena? What happened? I told you not to open the door cause it could be dangerous darling

Alena: don't worry, I just opened cause it's Nick (I gasped in shock and put Valentina on the floor just in time to see them running to hug Nick)

Demi: oh (I glanced at Nick and he sent me a surprised stare)

Nick: well...hi, I just came to visit my brother and the girls but...I can go (I rolled my eyes)

Valentina: stay with us uncle Nick, we wanna be with you (he stood up and I nodded)

Demi: you can stay Nick, they wanna be with you

Nick: I don't wanna be a burden to anyone (he said talking obviously about me)

Demi: bullshit, you can stay with us...we're gonna eat ice cream soon

Nick: fine then, I'll stay (he said smiling to his nieces and I swallowed at the stomachache I was feeling in that moment)

Why is he acting like this with me? Oh, maybe it's cause you've been avoiding him a LOT lately Demi. He's right. 

Demi: come in, I'm gonna wait for the delivery outside

Nick: okay

Alena: uncle Nick, Demi, Valentina and I did some painting, it was amazing

Nick: really? That's cool, I wanna see it, can I?

Alena: sure, come with us to the backyard, it's there (he nodded and picked them both up before heading to the backyard without even staring at me)

I sighed and walked to the door when I saw te delivery arriving, I paid and prepared everything before going outside with them. Once I went outside, the girls ran to me excited to eat ice cream and we three sat next to the pool on the grass. Nick watched us and sat in front of me.

Demi: for you (I gave him some ice cream and he half smiled at me before turning his eyes to Alena, who was already talking about what she wanted to do after the ice cream)

I Should Forget You ~ Nemi Where stories live. Discover now