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DEMI P.O.V.: I woke up the next morning and heard noises in the kitchen, it took me like 10 seconds to realize where I was and what were those noises. I changed my clothes, did my things and walked downstairs to find Nick there making breakfast for everyone even tho, the girls were still sleeping.

Demi: hey

Nick: (he turned his head to me and then back to the kitchen counter) hey, good morning

Demi: morning (I sat in a stool of the breakfast counter)

Nick: so...how did you sleep?

Demi: fine, a little cold tho (he nodded)

Nick: yea, me too

The thought of Nick and I sleeping together crossed my mind in that moment and I unconsciously bit my lip slightly. He turned around with two plates in his hands.

Nick: you okay? Earth to Demi (he said placing my breakfast in front of me and sitting across the counter with his food)

Demi: uh, yea, sorry...I froze (he nodded)

Nick: Kev, called me and said they'll be here in like half an hour

Demi: the girls will probably be sleeping still

Nick: yea, sure they will...but he asked me if we both wanted to stay with them and have lunch all together, my mom and dad are coming too

Demi: oh-

Nick: you don't need to stay if you're tired or have something to do (I shook my head smiling)

Demi: I want to stay, but I'd love to take a shower before they're here

Nick: you can do it in the guests room, do you have any clothes?

Demi: I have some jeans and underwear but I don't have another t-shirt

Nick: oh, I think there are some clothes of me and Joe in the hall's wardrobe. You can borrow anything you want to wear

Demi: really? (He nodded) thanks then (he half smiled at me and looked at my breakfast)

Nick: you barely touched the food, is it too bad? (He asked with a concerned face and I chuckled before shaking my head)

Demi: no, it's pretty good actually

Nick: well, then eat (I nodded and we continued eating in silence kind of uncomfortable before he washed the dishes and I walked to the wardrobe to find a t-shirt or something like it to wear with my blue jeans and winter boots)

I took a quick warm shower and changed my clothes into the new ones I wanted.

I walked downstairs with my hair falling on my shoulders and with no make up in my face. I found Nick on the couch watching tv and he smiled at me when I entered the living room wearing one of his sweaters.

 I found Nick on the couch watching tv and he smiled at me when I entered the living room wearing one of his sweaters

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Nick: nice choice, it looks better on you than it ever did on me (I smiled trying hard not to bit my lip)

Demi: well thanks, I actually chose it cause I loved how it looked on you (he blushed slightly)

Nick: thanks

Demi: it still smells like you

Nick: is that a good thing?

Demi: yea, why would it be bad? (We smiled at each other and someone opened the door making us turn our heads to it)

Danielle: hey guys

I Should Forget You ~ Nemi Where stories live. Discover now