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NICK P.O.V.: I looked at Kevin, Dani, my mom and dad on the door.

Nick: hey (we greeted them and Kevin and Dani headed upstairs to wake up and see Alena and Valentina)

Denise: how are you sweetie? (She asked to Demi)

Demi: oh, I'm fine and you?

Denise: I'm fine too, did you have a nice night here?

Demi: yea

Denise: was it too bad to be alone with them at night?

Demi: oh umm...I actually- Nick stayed with us

Denise: you spent the night here son? (I nodded and my mom smiled. I could've said what she thought in that exact moment)

Paul: so...son, you wanna go with me to a baseball game tonight?

Nick: umm tonight? (I looked at Demi and she slightly shrugged at me) I can't, I already have a compromise

Paul: really? That sucks

Nick: I'm gonna hang out with Demi (my mom smiled)

Demi: Nick is not necessary, you can go with your dad...we can meet another day

Paul: oh no Demi, don't worry I'll go with Frankie

Demi: Nick, you should go with your dad...truly (I shook my head slightly at her)

Nick: I'm sorry dad, really but...Demi and I have something to do today and maybe is gonna take a lot of time (my dad nodded)

Paul: totally okay, we'll go another say (she sighed and my mom chuckled. I looked at her and she threw me the "we'll talk later" stare)

Danielle: I'm gonna start cooking guys

Denise: I'll help you Dani

Demi: oh, me too

Kevin: you guys don't have to, we can do it together

Demi: oh, don't worry...I like cooking (Kevin nodded)

Denise: you can stay here with your brother and your dad

Kevin: okay, thanks guys (they both nodded and walked into the kitchen)

Paul: Nick

Nick: mh?

Paul: you and Demi...is something going on there? (I shook my head and shrugged)

Nick: no, not at all (Kevin chuckled and I glared at him)

Paul: sure?

Nick: very sure

Kevin: of course (he whispered)

We had lunch all together there and then said our goodbyes before heading to Demi's house. She left before me and that was when my mom attacked me.

Denise: you and Demi...what's happening there?

Nick: noth-

Denise: don't you dare Nicholas, I know you both way too well to believe a lie (I rolled my eyes and smiled at her)

Nick: nothing is going on...not yet at least

Denise: not yet? (She asked smiling)

Nick: I promise if something happens you'll notice it

Denise: I already see something happened but...it's okay, I believe you...you can go meet her

Nick: right, thanks, she's probably waiting for me already...I'll see you soon mom

Denise: okay, be safe and keep her safe (she winked at me and I grinned slightly while rolling my eyes at her) bye

Nick: bye (I drove to her house and grabbed some coffee on the way)

It's my time. It's my time to get answers for all the questions I have. She's finally gonna tell me why she's been ignoring me. Yay! 

I Should Forget You ~ Nemi Where stories live. Discover now