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NICK P.O.V.: Joe handled me a beer when I sat on the couch in front of him and Sophie.

Nick: thanks (I sipped the beer and looked at them that were smiling at me) why those faces?

Sophie: we're happy that you're announcing the new girl tonight

Nick: oh that (I nodded) I'm happy too...I wanna be able to hang out with her with paps taking pics of us and then everyone talking about us...it's kinda fun (we laughed)

Sophie: paps can be very invasive tho

Nick: yea I know, and she suffers with it so I'm gonna keep them away from her (they nodded and the doorbell rang. I stood up and opened the door to find my parents standing there with Frankie)

Nick: hello everyone, come in (they greeted me and entered the house)

Around 5 minutes later, Kevin and Dani arrived with the girls and we started cooking and talking all together.

Paul: how many are we tonight?

Denise: ten?

Nick: eleven, actually (I said and walked to the kitchen while half of them didn't understand why we were eleven tonight when we're always ten)

Denise: eleven?

Joe: yea, Demi

Danielle: oh, she's coming? (I heard them talking in the other room and smiled. Suddenly the kitchen door opened and Alena and Valentina entered smiling at me)

Alena: uncle Nick

Nick: yes?

Alena: is Demi coming tonight? For real? (I chuckled)

Nick: yea, she is coming...for real. You can tell them I said that "she's coming for real"

Valentina: I wanna see her, she's cute

Nick: the cutest...oh, don't say I said that (I winked at them and they giggled nodding)

I went back to the kitchen after them and the doorbell rang.

Frankie: want me to g-

Nick: no, thanks, I'll go

Denise: but you're cooki-

Nick: Joe, take care of the food (I walked to the door leaving them in the dinning room away from me and opened to see Demi smiling at me and with some bags)

Demi: hey

Nick: hey...come in (she walked pass me and I grabbed her bags)

Demi: are they here?

Nick: yup, everyone (she nodded and I pecked her lips quick and silently)

Demi: don't (she said and we laughed)

Nick: I had to (I whispered and she took off her coat but I couldn't even look at her cause Sophie and Danielle entered the living room)

I took the bags to the kitchen and put them on the fridge given that it was ice cream. When I entered to the dinning room again everyone stared at me and I shrugged.

Denise: where's Demi?

Nick: oh umm, Soph and Dani already found her

Alena: Demi's here? (I nodded and heard them running to the living room)

After some minutes, everyone entered to the dinning room to have dinner and I smiled instantly when I saw Demi's clothes. She was beautiful.

Demi: are we gonna eat already?

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Demi: are we gonna eat already?

Paul: yes

Demi: oh okay, I'm gonna wash my hands real quick then

Alena: me too

Valentina: me too (they three walked to the bathroom and I waited some seconds before heading there too)

Demi: and...you're ready girls (they left running and Demi was walking out of the bathroom when I pressed my lips on hers pulling her close to me by her waist) hey, I told you that-

Nick: yea, fuck that...you're too beautiful to not kiss you (she smiled and pecked my lips once more before we both made our way into the dinning room)

Denise: where were you guys?

Demi: I needed to wash my hands (the girls nodded and everyone looked at me)

Nick: (I shrugged) I forgot my knife (I sat in front of Frankie and Sophie and next to Demi and he asked me)

Frankie: and where's the knife? (I sipped on my water and shrugged)

Nick: here (I showed him my knife trying to act cool and Demi giggled under her breath)

I Should Forget You ~ Nemi Where stories live. Discover now