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NICK P.O.V.: I smiled as I knocked on Joe's door. He opened and smiled at me.

Joe: what is that smile for? Something happened?

Nick: very much, we need to talk bro (he nodded)

Joe: come in, Sophie's not home, she actually went to meet with Demi at Ellen's studio so (we walked to the backyard and he gave me a beer) let's talk about the reason of your smile

Nick: we haven't talked in a while Joe...since new year, right?

Joe: yup

Nick: a week ago?

Joe: I think so (he shrugged)

Nick: it finally happened

Joe: what? (I sipped my beer and smiled at him before whispering)

Nick: I kissed her

Joe: you kissed Demi? (I nodded smiling) woah, it was about time...when was that?

Nick: the new years night

Joe: I knew you would kiss, there was too much sexual tension

Nick: (I chuckled) sexual tension?

Joe: yea, didn't you feel it? It was like in the air

Nick: I didn't feel it, I think...I'm not sure it was something sexual anyways

Joe: how was it?

Nick: I drove her home, and we walked to the door, we said put goodbyes and I just stopped her and we kissed

Joe: she's a good kisser still? She was a very good one when we dated

Nick: I swear to God Joe...She's the best kisser I've ever kissed (he smiled) even tho we only kissed once

Joe: once? But that was a week ago, how come you only kissed her once?

Nick: she entered the house quickly cause someone was calling and I travelled to Europe so we didn't really see each other the last week

Joe: have you seen her since then?

Nick: I saw her today, well...yesterday

Joe: you had sex? (I laughed)

Nick: of course we didn't, it would be too soon

Joe: Nick, we're talking about Demi and you...you both are very sexually active and sexy

Nick: I just wanna do it when it's the right timing

Joe: are you together?

Nick: we're going out tonight, I'm taking her to our first official and alone date

Joe: that's cool (he said smiling and I nodded proudly biting my lip) I'm happy for you bro, you deserve all the happiness of the world and the fact that you're finding that happiness in Demi and making her happy as well, it's just...goals (we laughed)

Nick: thank you, I hope one day I can get to the place Sophie and you are

Joe: I bet you will, Demi is one of a kind

Nick: now, don't tell anyone about this, we're taking things slow and as a secret

Joe: not even Sophie?

Nick: oh, she's meeting with Demi right now, she'll probably know about it already

Joe: true

Nick: anyways...any place you recommend me to take her?

Joe: Demi...just because this is gonna be your first date, you can take her to a chic restaurant but she doesn't like those things too much...She's more of beach or middle of nowhere, you know

Nick: it's good thing that you dated her cause I'm gonna need some help I think (he laughed and shook his head)

Joe: I'll help you but I know you won't even need my help, you know her way too much too. Even more than me maybe...you're gonna be fine

Nick: I hope so, I really do

I Should Forget You ~ Nemi Where stories live. Discover now